Location: Cassadaga, NY US 14718


In it's 5th season in 2021, this club is active and growing.  

Registering for the Club pays your entrance to all 4 races of the 2021 season.


Holding a sprint triathlon 4 times per season on a Wednesday evening, race beginning at 5:45pm.  400 yard swim, 13 mile bike, 2 mile run.  Open to beginners thru seasoned triathletes and relay teams too.  This group also gets together, weather permitting, for informal training nights during the summer. Monday's are swim only and Wednesday surrounding race night we do swim, bike, run (all or some of it is up to you).

2021 calendar will be June 2, July 7, August 4 & September 1.  

This group historically hosts many 1st time triathletes each month as it is a very welcoming group.  We end each race with a pot luck picnic and awards ceremony.

For more information please contact Coach Mark Wilson at coachmarkwilson@gmail.com or 914-466-9214

Membership Levels

Individual Membership

Membership includes all four 2021 Summer Tri-Series races plus monthly training nights.



Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1
Minimum Age: 14
Maximum Age: 90

Membership Options

Club Officers

Name Title
Mark H. Wilson Founder

Club Contact Information

33 Pettit Place
Cassadaga, NY US 14718
Phone: 914-466-9214
Website: http://coachmarkwilson.com/races-and-events/

If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.

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