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What We Do...

Run Hard, Play Hard

Running Crazy Since 1977

Purpose:  The Syracuse Track Club (STC) was founded in 1977 "to promote, in a spirit of cooperation and sportsmanship, all aspects of track and field, long distance road and cross country running, physical fitness, and related activities for men and women of all ages and at all levels of ability in the Central New York area."  We are a diverse group of all ages and abilities who share a common enjoyment of running and demonstrates this by supporting events and activities that are fun and of benefit to us all as runners, members of the STC, and members of the Central New York community.  

Races:  The STC conducts or assists in many runs and races throughout the year, bringing variety and opportunity to the runners of Central New York.  Some of these are:

The Resolution Run: January 1st every year, The Super Couch Potato 5k:  SuperBowl Sunday every year, The Mountain Goat Run: 1st Sunday in May every year, The Camillus Veterans Memorial Day 5k:  Every Memorial Day, The Valley Nature Run:  Trail race every August, Halloween Run: Trail race every Sunday before Halloween

In the past we have been involved with Komens Race For the Cure, Tromptown 1/2 Marathon and 5k, Bud 5k, ARC Races, Grover Cleveland Days 5K.

Volunteers:  Our success is sponsoring these many runs and races dependent on the commitment of volunteers, for without you, these events can't occur.  Helping at a race is a great opportunity to meet other member and to view a race from a new perspective.  Experience is not necessary, but a sense of commitment and enthusiasm are.  You will have a lot of fun and give something back to your sport and community.


STC Monthly Newsletters - These usually contain info on aces. club activities, results, reviews and health tips.
Club Merchandise- High quality, STC branded swag is sold to members at cost.  Shirts, uniforms, hats, jackets, etc.
Social Events- The costs of banquets, picnics and other celebrations that follow workouts are usually fully or partially covered by the club.  
Volunteer Incentives-  Get rewarded with gift cards, merchandise or free race entries for your involvement and help.
Team Competitions-  Register as part of a team with a discount at most races that have a team competition. 
Membership Directory-  Meet up with current members.
Workout/Group Training Runs-  Several training options throughout the year. 


PO Box 481
Syracuse, NY 13214 US

Club Benefits / By-Laws

Board of Directors
President: Kevin Garvey;
Vice President: Sean Beney;
Secretary: Kevin Vanboden;
Treasurer: William Hoyne; 
At Large Members
Rosemarie Nelson, Margaret Hartmann, Pat Stagnitta, Chad Norton, Lauren Fossel, Kevin Kelly, Mary Swan, Al Cushman, Kate Lagatella, Joe Bright, Margaret Distefano and Neal Coffey.


1. Expert coaching with Coach Jerry Smith: 

Summer (May-Oct) Training Runs

Tuesdays 6pm.  Open practice for anyone, must pay to participate.  

Thursdays 6pm at Green Lakes State Park, 7900 Green Lakes Road, Fayetteville, NY 13066

Winter (Nov-April) Training Runs

Thursdays 6pm at Change of Pace Sports Bar, 1802 Grant Blvd, Syracuse, NY 13208

Sundays 8am Long hilly runs from Brueggers Bagels, 333 Nottingham Road, Syracuse, NY 13214

All paces and abilities are catered for in a group structure.

2. $5 discount for all members of the following club races: Super Couch Potato 5k, Camillus Veterans Memorial Day 5k, Valley Nature 4 Miler, Halloween Run 5k.

3. Summer picnic food by STC

4. Annual banquet discount by STC

5. Monthly newsletters with club information

6. Bus discount for club members going to the Boilermaker. 

7. A team to run with in the Pete Glavin Cross Country series in the fall and the USA Niagara grand prix series with 10 races compiled of road, track, cross country and trail races. 

8. Gym discount for club members.

9. Annual Syracuse Christmas Hash run the last Thursday before Christmas, legendary stories from past years!

10. STC gives back to many charities during the year and awards scholarship money to local high school athletes from the Constantino / Laidlaw scholarship fund. 

11. Follow in the footsteps of Jerry Lawson (former US Marathon record holder 1993) and Kevin Collins (competed in the World Marathon Championships 2003) who wore the STC singlet.

 12. Annual golf / run outing every September with the world famous golf organizer Dave Mullen!

13. High quality, STC branded swag is sold to members at cost.  Shirts, uniforms, hats, jackets, etc.

14.  Volunteer Incentives-  Get rewarded with gift cards, merchandise or free race entries for your involvement and help.

15.  Membership Directory-  The best way to meet up with current members.


Summer (May-Oct) Training Runs

Thursdays 6pm at Green Lakes State Park, 7900 Green Lakes Rd., Fayetteville, NY 13066

Winter (Nov-April) Training Runs

Thursdays 6pm at Change of Pace Sports Bar, 1802 Grant Blvd., Syracuse, NY 13208

Sundays 8am Bruegger's Bagels, 333 Nottingham Rd., Syracuse NY 13214

All paces and abilities are catered for in a group structure.



Syracuse Track Club formed with the purpose "to promote all aspects of track & field, long distance running, physical fitness, and related activities for men and women, of all ages and at all levels of ability, in the Central New York area".  STC, as an agent for runners of our community, supports activities that keep the benefit to the runners foremost in mind.  

We strive to deliver value while hosting high quality races, training and group runs as well as social events which are the lifeblood of our club. Donations help generate revenue to offset costs of operations as well as to allow STC to annually award scholarships to high school runners moving on to run at the college level. Income generated also supports club members in team events such as cross-country or other team races.  Our revenue also supports a summer picnic, a golf event, and an annual awards banquet where we present yearly awards to members.  


Memorial Scholarship - ATTN: HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS

Constantino and Laidlaw Memorial Scholarships: To honor the memory of George Constantino, the founder of our STC club and local high school coach.  

The Syracuse Track Club is pleased to announce the availability of $4000 (scholarships range from $500 to $1000 per winner) in scholarships to be awarded to deserving high school seniors who run on their school's Cross-Country and/or Track teams. Scholarship decisions are based on an applicant’s overall commitment to the sport of running, their self-improvement, and need; not solely their race times.

Scholarships are given in memory of George Constantino, a long time Track and Field and Cross Country Coach at Nottingham High School and a founder of the Syracuse Track Club, as well as Bruce Laidlaw, longtime contributor to the local running community and founder of the Constantino Scholarship.

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be seniors currently competing (cross-country and/or track & field) in a Section III school. A Syracuse Track Club membership is not required, nor is a plan to run competitively in college.**

DEADLINE: December 1st, 2024.

AWARD PRESENTATION: Scholarship winners will be notified by the end of December. Presentations of the scholarship checks will be at the STC Annual Banquet on Saturday, January 18th, 2025. 

If you have any questions, please email

All scholarship applicants will receive a FREE Syracuse Track Club membership that lasts throughout their undergraduate years and 1 year after college! STC membership perks include discounted race entry fees, access to our year-round training groups, and invitations to our brunches, picnics, and banquets!
This scholarship is funded by the STC and the generosity of the individuals and groups it assists!

TO APPLY: Click the Apply Now button below. Applications are due December 1st, 2024. If you have any questions, please email

George Constantino: Coach Still Inspires. Published August 31, 1998, in The Post-Standard.By Dr Kamal Jabbour, Contributing Writer

George Constantino was born in Buffalo, New York, in January 1939. After finishing high school, he attended the State University of New York at Cortland and he graduated in 1961 with a degree in physical education. He started his professional career as a physical education teacher in the Syracuse City schools in 1961, and taught at Ed Smith and H.W. Smith Elementary Schools, before settling in at Nottingham High School. Besides teaching physical education, Constantino, fondly known as Mr. C., also coached gymnastics, football, basketball, cross-country and track and field.  Constantino's athletes won numerous City League and County League titles, as well as sectional team and individual championships. Nottingham girls cross-country team won the New York State championship in 1975 and 1978, and the Eastern States Championship in 1975, 1976 and 1978. His girls' 4x400 relay team also set the Section 3 outdoor record of 3:58. Nottingham State champions under Constantino included Jerry Scholder in the 2-mile run in 1976, Janeen Bonner in the triple jump in 1984, Allison Dupree in the hurdles in 1985 and 1987, and Bill Rathbun in the mile in 1986.  Noted for his gruff demeanor and no-nonsense coaching style, he gained the respect and admiration of his athletes. Constantino was also noted for his sense of humor. In 1979, he gave Corcoran coach and former Constantino runner John Hohm a check for $19.23 as a wedding gift, to remind Hohm, whose boys' team had just won the State cross-country championship, of Nottingham's winning score against Corcoran in a duel meet earlier in the season.  Both Hohm and current Nottingham coach Dan Pusey credit Constantino's inspiration for their decisions to pursue teaching and coaching careers. Constantino's involvement with athletics extended to the community. He was active in the Syracuse Chargers youth program in the mid-seventies, was a founder of the Syracuse Track Club in 1977 and a recipient of the YMCA's Annual Fitness Award.  Constantino died in May 1987 after suffering a heart attack in class. His former athletes and the Syracuse Track Club honor his memory by continuing the Tuesday night summer runs that he had started at Nottingham High School and by awarding the annual Constantino Scholarships.  The Constantino Scholarships are intended to assist the recipients to continue their academic and athletic development in college. Criteria considered in awarding these scholarships include athletic and academic record and potential, financial need, community service, character, dedication and work ethic. In 1998, applications were received from students in Onondaga, Madison, Oswego, Cayuga and Cortland counties. The recipients were Rachel Gregg of Sandy Creek High School and David Austin of Fabius-Pompey High School.  Rachel Gregg distinguished herself at Sandy Creek through a strong work ethic that resulted in success both in the classroom and on the track. She ranked in the top ten percent of her class, was president of the student council and was active in many extracurricular and community activities. In athletics, she was twice the captain of the cross-country team and received an award for the most improved athlete. Gregg plans to attend SUNY Cobbleskill to study chemistry and run on the Running Tigers cross-country team. Her postgraduate plans include a medical research career in the area of AIDS.  David Austin was Fabius-Pompey's team captain in his senior year, and received the most valuable athlete award and the coaches award. His dedication to running was evident, and he sought training opportunities beyond his school. As a junior, he joined and trained with the Syracuse Chargers Track Club. As a senior, he trained with the Fayetteville- Manlius track team.  Austin plans to attend Ashland University in Ohio to study physical education and athletic training, and run cross-country and track. Gregg and Austin were honored at an informal ceremony preceding the July 21 Tuesday night Constantino run.  Kamal Jabbour runs and writes on the hills of Pompey, New York. His RUNNING Column appears in The Post-Standard on Mondays. He maintains The Syracuse Running Page and receives email at


The name of this organization shall be SYRACUSE TRACK CLUB, INC., herein called the Corporation.

ARTICLE II – STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: To promote, in a spirit of cooperation and sportsmanship, all aspects of track, road, and crosscountry running for men and women of all ages and at all levels of ability in the Central New York area, as an independent organization, in affiliation with the YMCA of Syracuse, NY.

Section 1. Requirements for Membership: Complete the Corporation’s membership application form.
Pay the requisite annual dues.
Refrain from any activities that conflict with the statement of purpose.
Memberships are renewable annually. Members whose dues are 30 days in arrears shall be automatically dropped from membership.
Section 2. Classes of Membership and Dues: There shall be four classes of membership with annual dues determined by the Board of Directors:
 Family Membership
 Individual Membership
Youth Membership
Lifetime Membership – dues waived
Section 3. Honorary Members: The Board of the Corporation, at a duly convened meeting, may elect honorary members by a majority vote of the Board members present. Dues are waived.
Section 4. Resignation: Any member in good standing may resign from the Corporation by giving written notice to the President.

Section 1. Annual Meetings: The Annual Meeting of the membership of the Corporation shall be held in December or January or an alternative convenient date, as determined by the Board of Directors. Each member shall receive a notice of this meeting at least 10 days before the meeting.

Article IV, Section 2. Special Meetings:  Special meetings may be called by the President or the Board of Directors or may be called upon the written request of five (5) members of the Corporation. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. Except in the cases of emergency, at least ten (10) days written notice shall be given to members of the Corporation by the Secretary. A special meeting can serve as an extension of the annual meeting, and be used for any purpose normally given to the annual meeting, as well as for any other cause vital to the Corporation.  

Section 3. Quorum: Fifteen members of the Corporation shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote is required in all instances unless otherwise indicated.

Section 4. Voting: Each member of the Corporation shall be entitled to vote at any meeting thereof. Inspectors of Election shall be chosen by the Board of Directors. It shall be their duty to act as Inspectors of election at that meeting.

Section 1. Number: The Policies, programs, property, affairs business and concerns of the Corporation shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of no less than 12 and up to 20 members. The members of the Board shall, upon election, immediately enter upon the performance of their duties and shall continue in office until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. All directors shall be members of the Corporation.

Article V, Section 2. Election of Directors and Term:  Directors shall be elected by the members in person at the Annual Meeting, or via online vote using a site/medium approved by the board of directors prior to the vote. The Board shall approve the method, specific medium (including software), and any special circumstances by the end of the December meeting in the year prior to the vote.  The Board’s decisions, along with instructions on how to participate in the voting process, shall be communicated to the general membership at least 30 days prior to the opening of the voting process. Online voting windows should be open for at least 1 week, and must be tallied by board member(s) who are not up for election, or a committee of members designated by the board that does not include any individuals up for election. Any Corporation member can be nominated by a member, including themselves, to serve on the board of directors. The term of each director shall be three years and thereafter until his successor shall have been duly elected and qualified. At the first annual election,1/3 of the directors shall be elected for a term of three years; 1/3 shall be elected for a term of two years; and 1/3 shall be elected for a term of one year. At each annual election thereafter, 1/3 of the directors shall be elected for a term of three years. At the end of each term, if a director wishes to serve another term, they must be re-nominated and re-elected by the members at the annual meeting or a special meeting.   

Section 3. Duties of Directors: The Board of Directors shall have the power to hold meetings at such times and places as they may deem proper, elect officers, establish policies, approve programs, audit bills and approve disbursements of the funds of the Corporation, invest the funds of the Corporation, and otherwise devote the funds of the Corporation to the objectives set forth in the Statement of Purpose (Article II) and devise and carry into execution such other measures as they may deem proper and expedient to promote the objectives of the Corporation.

Section 4. Meetings of the Board: An organizational meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held following the Annual meeting of the members of the Corporation. At such meeting, the Directors shall elect officers for the coming year. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at the times and places determined by a majority of the Board. The President may, when he deems necessary, or the Secretary shall, at the request of five members of the Board, call for a special meeting of the Board and only five days notice shall be required for such special meeting.

Section 5. Quorum: A majority of members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. If a quorum be not present, a lesser number may adjourn the meeting to a later date not later than ten days after the adjourned meeting.

Section 6. Absence: Should any member of the Board of Directors absent himself unreasonably from three consecutive meetings of the Board without sending a communication to the President or 
Secretary stating his or her reason for absence or should his excuse not be accepted by the members of the Board, his seat on the Board may be declared vacant, and the Board of Directors  3 may forthwith proceed to fill the vacancy. In addition, it is expected that members of the Board of Directors attend at least 75% of the monthly meetings.

Section 7. Vacancies: When any vacancy shall occur in the Board of Directors the same shall be filled without undue delay by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board at a regular meeting or at a special meeting which shall be called for that purpose. The person so chosen shall hold office for the balance of the term of the Director whom he succeeds and thereafter until his or her successor shall have been chosen.

Section 8. Removal of Directors: Any one or more of the Directors may be removed either with or without cause at any time, by a vote of two-thirds of the directors present at any special meeting called for that purpose.

Section 1. Number and Titles: The officers of the Corporation shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these by-laws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Corporation.
Section 2. Method of Election: The Board of Directors shall elect all officers.
Section 3. Term of Office: Officers shall serve for one year or until their successors are elected. Their term of office shall begin at the close of the meeting or at a meeting specifically called for that purpose.
Section 4. Filling of Vacancies: All vacancies in any office shall be filled by election by the Board of Directors without any undue delay at its regular meeting or at a meeting specifically called for that purpose.
Section 5. Duties of Officers: The duties and powers of the Officers of the Corporation shall be as follows:
PRESIDENT: The President shall be the Chief executive Officer of the Corporation and shall be responsible for ensuring that the policies and programs of the Corporation are properly carried out. The President shall also preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the members of the Corporation, and shall, with the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint all committees.
VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of his or her duties and in the case of the absence of the President or of his or her inability from any cause to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President.
SECRETARY: The Secretary shall keep the records and minutes of meetings of the Corporation, conduct all correspondence of the Corporation, give notice of and attend all meetings of members and the Board of Directors, and generally devote his or her best efforts in forwarding the business and advancing the interests of the Corporation. In case of absence or disability of the Secretary, the President, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, may appoint a Secretary Pro Tempore.
TREASURER 4 The Treasurer shall be the Chief Fiscal Officer of the Corporation. He or she shall maintain the Corporation’s bank accounts, making deposits and withdrawals thereto and there from as appropriate and render financial reports at the meetings of members of the Corporation or when called upon by the President. The funds, books and vouchers in his or her hands shall at all times be under the supervision of the Board of Directors and subject to its inspection and control; and at the expiration of his or her term in office, the Treasurer shall deliver over to his or her successor, all books, monies, and other property, or, in the absence of the Treasurer-elect, to the President. In the case of the absence or disability of the Treasurer, the President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, may appoint a Treasurer Pro Tempore.
Section 6. Bond of Treasurer: The Treasurer shall, if required by the Board of Directors, give to the Corporation such security for the faithful discharge of his or her duties as the Board may direct.
Section 7. Signatures on Checks: Corporation funds may be drawn from the Corporation bank accounts only upon the signature of the Treasurer and one other officer.

Section 1. Executive Committee: The Board of Directors may by resolution, appoint an Executive Committee. When appointed, the Executive Committee shall have power to act on behalf of the Corporation, in any matter, when the Board of Directors is not in session, reporting to the Board of Directors for its ratification of their actions at each regular or special meeting. A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Meetings may be called by the Chairman and shall be called when requested by two members. Members of the Executive Committee shall be Directors.
Section2. Committee on Nominations for Directors: The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three members. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for Directors to be elected at the Annual Meeting. Nominations for Directors may also be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting.
Section 3. Committee on Nominations for Officers: The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three Directors. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for officers to be elected by the Directors at their next organizational meeting.
Section 4. Audit Committee: An Auditing Committee of three members shall be appointed by the President, whose duty it shall be to audit the Treasurer’s accounts at the close of the fiscal year and to report at the Annual Meeting.
Section 5. Budget Committee:A committee known as the Budget Committee shall be appointed to prepare an annual budget for the Corporation. The Treasurer shall be a member of this committee. 

Section 6. Other Committees: The President may, at any time, appoint other committees on any subjects for which there are no standing committees of the Corporation.
Section 7. Members of Committees and Powers of Committees: 5 Committee members, except for the Executive Committee, need not be members of the Board of Directors. The action of all committees, except the Committee on Nominations and the Audit Committee, shall be subject to the approval, modification or rejection by the Board of Directors. All committees shall report to the Board of Directors as directed by the Board of Directors.

Section 8. Committee Vacancies: Vacancies in committees shall be filled by the President with approval of the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE VIII – FISCAL YEAR: The fiscal year of the Corporation shall be the calendar year.

Section 1. Nickname: The nickname of the Corporation shall be STC.
Section 2. Colors: The colors of the Corporation shall be blue and white.
Section 3. Emblem: The emblem or logo of the Corporation shall be as depicted:

ARTICLE X – PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY: The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Corporation in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws and any rules of order the Corporation may adopt.

ARTICLE XI – AMENDMENTS: These by-laws may be amended by the members at any regular or special meeting by a 2/3 vote of the members present and voting, provided notice, including the subject of the proposed amendment, has been given in the notice of the meeting.

Amended December, 2023



Resolution Run

We all need some motivation these days, lets start the new year off right with a new years day run!

Registration Link

Facebook Page


The Mountain Goat Run

The 10 mile race is our signature event of race weekend.  It is 10 Miles of glorious challenging road, up and down the hills of our local streets in Syracuse!  The course does not discriminate; there are both uphill and downhill sections of the race.  

Registration Link

Facebook Page


Valley Nature 4.4 Mile Road & Trail Run

Located in the Heart of the South side of Syracuse will take you through the old growth forest of the Rand Tract. The only trail race within city limits!   Proceeds from the race help to support local organizations like Webster Pond.

Registration Link

Facebook Page

Race Website


STC Boilermaker Bus

Experience a relaxing ride to the start line, a change of clothes and your favorite snack waiting for you at the finish line.  Make new friends or reminisce with old friends before and after “Best 15k in the country” … as announced at the start of the race every year.  This has always been a great time with fond memories of post-race glory and lore.

Registration Link


STC Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet

The Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet, held in January at a local restaurant, is the formal meeting of the membership to vote on new Board Members and to recognize the achievements and accomplishments of some of our runners and volunteers.  


Nomination Form (due by Jan. 1st)


Buried Acorn Brewery Run - August 23rd


Friday August 23rd at 5:30pm at Buried Acorn!  The run will begin at 5:45 and we will have routes for distances ranging from 4 to 8 miles which you can choose to follow, or make your own route!  Stay for drinks and food after until 8:30.  


Super Couch Potato 5K

5K at Onondaga Lake Park on Superbowl Sunday. Come run a 5k race before the big game.  Win a TV at our raffle or chips!

Registration Link

Facebook Page


Camillus Veterans Memorial 5K

Point-to-point race where 15,000 parade spectators cheer you on at the start of the Memorial Day parade/race course! Run along the same route the 1996 Olympic Torch followed on the way to Atlanta and enter the last kilometer along the historic Camillus Erie Canal Trail finishing at the historic Sims Store.

Registration Link

Facebook Page



Halloween Run

Trail-style 5K course. $50 to overall male and female winner.  Awards to best costume!
Bagels & fruit, Goody bags for all kids that finish.  Green Lakes State Park.

Registration Link

Facebook Page


Annual STC Golf Outing

9 holes Captain and crew – all players hit from the tee, decide on the least bad shot, all hit from there, do it again (and again) until the ball is in the hole.  Strategically placed fluid replacement stations.  Awards and food to all participants!

Registration Link


Boilermaker Picnic & Scholarship Awards Presentation

Date: Thursday July 11th 2024 @ 6.30pm  Place: Tulip Hill Pavilion (This is a different location from last year)  Please bring a dish to pass, STC will provide the hot dogs and burger.

Cross Country


Syracuse Track Club fields both competitive and recreational Cross Country teams in U19, Open, and various Masters categories. Each fall STC participates in the Pete Glavin Cross Country Series and USATF Niagara Regional Championships.

Open Men (0-39) Sean Beney,

Masters Men (40-49) Randy Misencik,

Veteran Men (50-59) Kevin Vanboden, 

Men’s Super Veteran (60-69) Neal Coffey,  

Men’s Ultra Veteran (70+) Patrick Riccardi, 

Open Women (0-39) Donna Langerfield,, Beth Riccardi,

Masters Women (40-49) 

Veteran Women (50-59) Roxane Niezabytowski, 

Women’s Super Veteran/Ultra Veteran (60+) Sharon Ames,


Competitive Team Travel Reimbursement Policy & Form


1. ALL ENTRANTS SEEKING REIMBURSEMENT MUST BE A MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING, BEFORE THE RACE REGISTRATIONS ARE FILLED OUT. Entrants must be registered to compete on the STC team and compete wearing an STC uniform.

2. THE BOARD APPROVED BUDGETED AMOUNT IS DIVIDED EQUALLY AMONG STC MEMBERS THAT FINISHED THE RACE, UP TO A MAXIMUM OF $300 1 PER MEMBER. The annual travel budget will be established and approved by the Board. The maximum that any one individual member that finished the race receives will be set annually.

3. ALL SPECIAL CASES OR SITUATIONS WILL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE COMPETITIVE TEAMS CHAIRPERSON TO RELAY TO THE BOARD. If a situation needs to be brought to the board, the Competitive Teams chairperson will be the only person to do so. No exceptions.

4. TEAM REQUESTS WILL BE HONORED FIRST. In exceptional cases, individual (non-team competition) requests may be considered. ALL individual requests must be submitted at least 30 days prior to running the event. ALL INDIVIDUAL REQUESTS FALL UNDER RULE 3.

5. ALL ENTRANTS MUST VOLUNTEER TO AT LEAST THREE CLUB RELATED EVENTS 2 PER YEAR IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR REIMBURSEMENT. Our volunteering year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31. You can volunteer any time between these dates.

6. THE CLUB WILL REIMBURSE ALL TRAVEL AFTER THE COMPETITIVE SEASON HAS ENDED. The club sets the cross country season as from August 1 to January 31. Eligible team members must request reimbursement in writing on or before January 31. Email is acceptable.


1 2024 Maximum per person.
2 Eligible events include, but are not limited to: Resolution Run, Super Couch Potato, Syracuse Half (STC Water Stop), Mountain Goat Training Runs, Mountain Goat Run, Veterans Memorial Day 5k, Valley Nature Run, PGXC Series home meet, PGXC Series team captain, Halloween Run.



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