Friends of the Johnson Public Library Inc.

Select Your Membership Level


If you are currently a student, you can take advantage of this membership. Join or renew now, and membership will not expire until December 31. Membership is pro rated for those joining or renewing after July 1.


Payment Option


This is the basic membership available to individuals. Join or renew now, and membership will not expire until December 31. Membership is pro rated for those joining or renewing after July 1.


Payment Option


Household membership includes up to 10 persons in the household. Join or renew now, and membership will not expire until December 31. Membership is pro rated for those joining or renewing after July 1.


Payment Option


For those members who want to do more - BFF membership includes up to 10 persons in a relationship, but in this case "forever" only means to the end of the membership year, December 31.  Membership is pro rated for those joining or renewing after July 1.


Payment Option
You must selected at least one membership before submitting.

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