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DetermiNation Orbits The Moon

Tue July 20 - Sun August 1 New York, NY 10001 US Directions

The American Cancer Society is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Our Global Headquarters are located in Atlanta, Georgia, and we have regional and local offices throughout the country to ensure we have a presence in every community. Learn more about who we are, what we do, and our plans for the future by exploring the areas below.

Top Donors

$1,170 Raised By 26 Donors

$100 from Facebook Donation
$100 in tribute of Dave Crane
$100 in tribute of James Emma
$100 in tribute of Peter Briggs
$75 in tribute of Jennifer Yeager
$75 from Anonymous
$50 in tribute of Cari Lichtman
$50 in tribute of Dennis Kuo
$50 from Anonymous
$50 from Anonymous
$50 in tribute of Michael McGrady
$50 in tribute of Ryan Diver
$25 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Anonymous
$25 from Anonymous
$25 in tribute of kahri yeager
$25 in tribute of Libby Mongue-Wymore
$25 in tribute of Mary Ann Giejda
$25 in tribute of Sarah Beidelschies
$10 in tribute of Alpa Patel
$10 in tribute of Sarah Ewing


Alice Tung
$250 Goal
Alpa Patel
$10 Raised
Amie Getis
$250 Goal
Ashley Yeager
$100 Raised
Betty Tung
$250 Goal
Cari Lichtman
$50 Raised
Cecilia Tung
$250 Goal
Clint Ewing
$10 Raised
Craig Dolhi
$25 Raised
Daphne Tsai
$250 Goal
David Fanfan
$250 Goal
Dennis Kuo
$50 Raised
Donna Anilonis
$250 Goal
E Test
$250 Goal
Elizabeth Kuo
$250 Goal
Elyse Siwinski
$250 Goal
Elyse Test
$250 Goal
Emily Deubler
$50 Raised
Emma Craven
$250 Goal
Erika Rees-Punia
$250 Goal
Grayson Dantzic
$250 Goal
Jacqueline Kuo
$250 Goal
James Emma
$100 Raised
James Tung
$250 Goal
Jeanie Tung
$250 Goal
Jennifer Hill
$250 Goal
Judy Tung
$25 Raised
Karina Ogawa
$250 Goal
Kevin McGrady
$50 Raised
Lauren Teras
$250 Goal
Libby Mongue-Wymore
$25 Raised
Loretta Hackney
$250 Goal
Lucy Tsai
$50 Raised
M J Newcomb
$250 Raised
Marji McCullough
$100 Raised
Mary Ann Giejda
$25 Raised
Matthew Masters
$250 Goal
Paul Purdy
$250 Goal
Peter Briggs
$100 Raised
Raina Tung
$250 Goal
Ramon Bermo
$250 Goal
Ryan Diver
$50 Raised
Samantha Tsai
$250 Goal
Sarah Beidelschies
$25 Raised
Sarah Ewing
$75 Raised
Tony Tsai
$250 Goal

Team Fundraisers

CheERIEst Travelers
$85 Raised
Loretta's Legends
$250 Goal
Red Hot Chili Steppers
$25 Raised
Scientific Striders
$485 Raised
STD Moonwalks
$125 Raised
Team Slow Poke
$275 Raised

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