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United For A Cure

Sat September 24, 2022 Lake Butler, FL 32054 US Directions
Team Fundraiser

Team Cassie

Fundraiser Login
Current Team Members:


This past year, my sister was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and we were devastated. My brother was hospitalized with Covid, for months. As a family, we hurt. I know several that will read this letter have had similar experiences of your own and many that have shared our journey. In our family, we have weathered the storm and are healing. Whether you personally know a family affected by cancer or not, The Walk is a great way to be active for a purpose.

“United for a Cure” is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. This event is hosted by The Lake Butler Hospital and Shadd Trucking. We are excited to come together as a community to show our compassion and support for those families affected by cancer, to raise awareness and join in the fight for a cure. The Walk will start and finish at the hospital. After the walk, as a community, we will fellowship and celebrate life. There will be free give-a-ways, music and food. 

So, what can you do? Mark your calendar! Invite your friends! Volunteer! Donate! No amount of money is too small and no amount it too big. Every dollar raised will go to the American Cancer Society. Our main advertisement for The Walk is social media and word of mouth. Please help us spread the word. 

For donations that involve signage on the walk, either mail your check to Shadd Trucking at PO Box 506, Lake Butler, Florida 32054, or bring your check by or call and we will pick up your check. Write your check payable to the American Cancer Society. I personally am designating my donation to go to Ovarian Cancer. If you would like to designate your funds, please indicate this in the notes area on your check. 

Help the American Cancer Society win the fight over every cancer. #TEAMCASSIE

With love and affection,                      

Carita Shadd Wall                                              

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