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Heritage Hero Run + Stroll + Roll

September 16, 2023 Grand Island, NY 14072 US
Hero Fundraiser

Min Chavon E. Barnwell

Fundraiser Login


Raised of $250



Will you consider sponsoring me for the Heritage Hero Run + Stroll + Roll?

Heritage Christian Services partners with thousands of people throughout Rochester and to ensure that everyone – including children and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities – feels valued and respected. Most of the agency’s 3,400 employees work to support people so they can find the best place to live, work and build strong community connections through residential, day, respite, self-direction and employment supports. The agency is also known for community impact programs that promote high-quality childcare, education, health and wellness, and self-empowerment.

Although donating online is the most safe and efficient way to make a gift, if you prefer, you can mail your donation to:
Heritage Christian Services
Attn: Kim Kennedy / Heritage Hero
275 Kenneth Drive, Suite 100
Rochester, NY 14623

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