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Move to Cure STXBP1 Disorders

Sun September 1 - Tue December 3
STXBP1 Fundraising Team

All in 4 James

Fundraiser Login
Current Team Members:


Raised of $1,000


As years went by, we learned to settle in a routine in our life with James. We could have not done so without our community's support. We ask again that you come support our little warrior in our yearly Move to Cure event.

Welcome to All in 4 James Fundraising Page! 

Please join our family for a short walk in honor of James and help us raise awareness for STXBP1. We will meet on Saturday, September 21st @ 10:00AM in the parking lot by the airport roundabout, and will walk to the Swords Park and back. There will be donuts!

Thank you in advance for your generous donation to the STXBP1 Foundation, we are thrilled to have you join All in 4 James. Your donation and participation means the world to us and the entire STXBP1 community! Donations directly fund critical research for treatments, therapies, and a cure for STXBP1 disorders. 

Top Donors

$1,075 Raised By 12 Donors

$200 from Anonymous
$100 in honor of Cindy Donnes
$100 in honor of Judy Boogman
$100 in honor of Justin Berg
$100 in honor of Kortney Vierthaler
$100 from Anonymous
$100 in honor of Camelia Thomas
$50 in honor of James’s wonderful family
$50 in honor of Maggie Whitley
$25 in honor of For James
$25 in honor of Kris Lalk
$25 in honor of Kristin Lalk

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