Dr. Michael Thomann started Charlotte’s 1st Full Service Mobile Clinic in 1994, providing on-site surgical and medical house calls to pet owners. In 2013 he transitioned to a boutique small animal practice in the heart of Charlotte. Dr. Mike has been creating different product ideas for 30 years, all with the intention to make life better for pet owners and their furry families.

Dr. Mike realized many walks take place not just during the day, but also during the early morning or evening when it is dark These walks often led to frustration & safety concerns. “I have to somehow handle empty and full waste bags, dog leash, flashlight and a smartphone while managing my dog. The constant juggling interrupted what should have been an enjoyable time with my pet.” A problem solver by nature, Dr. Mike worked to invent a single device to replace all the others. The Doggie Doo-All was designed from the ground up and encompasses the conveniences of having an ALL- IN -ONE device that provides a safe and enjoyable walk.