We believe that our greatest calling is to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ from the neighborhood to the nations!
There are two primary ways we accomplish this. First, we believe God has entrusted us with an area of central California from the Sierras to the Central Coast. Over the last several years, we have planted and revitalized other campuses including CityView, Riverview, Kern River Valley, Wasco, Fresno, San Luis Obispo and City Center in the heart of downtown Bakersfield. Each of these campuses are supernaturally positioned to reach the lost.
Second, we are passionate about taking the message of salvation to the unreached around the world. To that end, a great deal of our energy and resources are directed toward identifying and reaching people groups around the world that have never had one chance to hear the Gospel. Canyon Hills is a church that takes God’s Word seriously. There are some commands in Scripture that we think are a really big deal. That’s why we emphasize feeding the hungry, caring for widows and orphans and reaching out to the broken and lost. We have discovered that when we take God at His Word,He blesses us for it.One of the best ways to discover your part in our story is by connecting with us through Growth Track. Visit Guest Services to learn more about Growth Track where you can find out more about groups, find a place to serve and connect with our pastors.