Lions Club of Washington will be volunteering to support one of the hydration stations on the race course for the Bunny Run.

Fund Raising:  100% of funds raised goes to Charity

Sell Lions Brooms and Garbage bags at Vision Services of Wash.Greene and Washington Farmers Market and Local Vendor Shows 
Selling Koeze's Nut products at Christmas
Service and Fun Activity

*Distribute "Caring Bags" for pediatric patients in the ER at Washington Hospital 

Award $1000 scholarships to Washington, Trinity and McGuffey High School graduates.

To aquire an application ask your High School Guidance Conselor or email:
Sell concessions for Pony Baseball  World Series at the  Lion John Duskey Concession Stand 
Sponsor 3 campers each year to Beacon Lodge Camp for the visually impaired
Maintain the Lions Pavilion at Washington Park
Give 4 awards to Washington Park School
Support the City Mission, Salvation Army, Wash. Christian Outreach & Vision Services of Wash. Greene
Support Leader Dog and Puppy Dog Programs
Donate to Lion Charties for eye, cancer, hearing and diabetes research
Collected 25359 used glasses since 2004 and sent them for repair and reuse.