Meet the SETS Community

When we say the word “community,” what comes to mind? A supportive, inclusive environment in which people with distinct personalities, different strengths and weaknesses, and unique goals feel free to be themselves without fear of being judged? A safe place where everyone can find comfort, but also the motivation to reach his or her full potential? A tight-knit group of people sharing a strong bond and truly caring about one another?

At SETS, that’s how we define our gym community. It’s how we approach fitness. It’s how we help our members achieve remarkable results.

SETS is a gym in Ocean County and Monmouth County, N.J., where you can push your body past boundaries and reach any health and fitness goal you set for yourself, from weight loss and greater endurance to stronger muscles and improved flexibility. We’re a gym designed to break from the fitness status quo through our highly effective, constantly changing hybrid training program.

But what makes SETS truly special is that we’re a community filled with team spirit, where coaches and members all work together to ensure each other’s success. It’s written on our wall: T.E.A.M. Together. Everyone. Achieves. More.