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New Year's Day 2017 Hangover Half Marathon

Sun January 1, 2017 Malvern, AR 72104 US Directions


Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


215 East Page Ave
Malvern, AR US 72104


Registration is FULL.


BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND for a second go around!!!! The New Year's Day Hangover Half Marathon!!!

What better way to start the New Year off than to show how crazy you are by running 13.1 miles with a hangover or even without a hangover! Or is it 13.2? LOL

The New Year's Day Hangover Half was created to promote running in the New Year, encourage community support and to bring runners from other communities together! This is a FUN race and can help people wanting to gain Half Fanatic or Double Agent Status!

We wanted to keep the course as simple as possible with very few turns so that our hungover friends wouldn't have trouble with turn-by-turn directions. The course this year will be an out and back style course with one minor adjustment (different from last year) for the last ~1.5 miles of the course. The course is an out and back that follows E Page Ave/Hwy. 67 North approximately 2 miles to the Hwy 270 bypass. The course turns Left at the bypass traffic light (West on Hwy. 270) and proceeds approximately 4.5 miles up the bypass to the Military Rd./Hwy 270 intersection where runners will turn around and head back down the bypass. Runners will turn Right on Hwy 67, go about 3/4 a mile and turn Left on Pine Bluff St. (this street is just past Acme Brick). Runners will proceed down Pine Bluff St. and then turn Right on Gloster Ct. and head to the finish line! Course start and finish are located at Tractor Supply Co.

Parking/start&finish line located at 266 East Page Ave., Malvern, AR 72104 (US Bank/Tractor Supply Co. area). 

Snacks will be provided at the finish line area. McDonald's is located adjacent to the start area.  All half marathon finishers will receive a race appropriate medal.

Cheap $40 registration!

Deadline: 12-18-16 at 11:59pm - guaranteed a shirt and a medal if you finish. 

Race Contact Info

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