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Sat October 24 - Sat October 31 Palm Desert, CA 92211 US


Wherever YOU Are!
Palm Desert, CA US 92211


STEM-ing Careers was founded to "inspire and network girls" in high school who are interested in pursuing a career in a science, technology, engineering or mathematical field by awarding financial assistance towards their collegiate education. The opportunity to learn more about various STEM fields is encouraged by providing connections to others in desired positions.

We at STEM-ing Careers are so disappointed not to be hosting you at the Bermuda Dunes Airport this October.  Yet we aren’t letting Covid change our mission to inspire and network girls in STEM!

This October 24-31st, we ask you to virtually join us in a run for STEM. It’s easy: walk, jog or run your favorite, safe and socially distant route and share your participation with us! 



Race Contact Info

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