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If you would like to make an extra donation to the Buford Athletic Booster Club, all funds rasied from this event are used to support the entire athletic program at Buford High School. The main objectivdes of the BABC are to provide funding for ALL SPORTS and to offer service support to our players and coaches during hte entire athletic year.

Here is a list of items funded just this past year by the BABC:

  • $88,000 given as budgets to 16 sports programs
  • $13,000 budgeted for letters, bars, certificates and plaques awarded to athletes at banquets
  • $4,000 in scholarship funds awarded to seniors at graduation
  • $12,000 to sports teams with state playoff expenses
  • $2,500 as a major sponsor of the Hall of Fame Banquet
  • $5,000 for sports medicine supplies$3,000 for sports gym wall banners
  • $2,000 for the athletic website

Top Donors

$30 Raised By 3 Donors

$20 on behalf of Stephanie Warbington
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Kathy Bush

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