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Desoto-Charlotte Young Farmers & Ranchers Run the Ranch

Sat December 2, 2017 Arcadia, FL, FL 34266 US Directions


‘Run the Ranch’ Trail Run

8:00AM EST - 11:00AM EST


9538 NE Hwy 70
Arcadia, FL, FL US 34266


Join us on Dec 2, 2017, for this inaugural Run the Ranch 5k event!
PRESENTING SPONSOR: Denise Grimsley Campaign
RACE SITE: Camp Turner Loose | 9538 NE HWY 70, Arcadia, FL 34266
*Follow the signs along the dirt road leading to the camp*

Take a step into 'Old Florida' and Run the Ranch! A unique trail run through Camp Turner Loose in Arcadia, FL hosted by the Desoto-Charlotte Young Farmers & Ranchers will take you through a working cattle ranch as well as share some Florida Agriculture along the way. 

Shirt Sizes guaranteed to applicants pre-registered by November 14 only!
Age Groups (M&F) 18 & Under, 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-64, Over 65  


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