Rotonda West, FL US 33947
Our last scramble of the year.... a best ball scramble!!!!
Get out and have fun with us for 18 holes of perfect Florida weather plus:
1. Free Beer, spirits, snacks , soda and candy cane shots being delivered to you as many times as Doogie can make his rounds.
2. Lunch is included.
3. We are currently looking for companies to do an in-kind sponsorship on certain holes to host side games. Reach out if interested!! We have several so far.....we want to make sure you have a great time!!!!
4. Besides lunch we will be providing a few extra snacks.
5. As many raffle prizes as we can wrangle.
6. Prize to the top finishing team
Prize to the best costumed team. Any holiday theme or ugly sweater ensemble will be entered But think CHRISTMAS VACATION!!!!!!
DO NOT FORGET TO SECURE A SAFE RIDE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!! We include a lot of free drinks, shots and jello shots but know your limit. We also try and include enough food to help with that.
Can't wait to see you all out there!!
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