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The Half Dozen Donut Run

Sat September 8, 2018 Sarasota, FL 34235 US Directions


10K Donut Challenge

8:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT

10k (No Donuts)

8:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT

5k (No Donuts)

8:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


Nathan Benderson Park
5851 Nathan Benderson Cir
Sarasota, FL US 34235


Do you think you are up for the Challenge?  6 miles, 6 donuts in 60 minutes??!!  Only the toughest, bravest, and strongest will conquer.  

We have put together no ordinary charity event,.....running and eating donuts!  What could be better! The Half Dozen Donut Race offers runners of all skill levels the chance to not only challenge their hearts, lungs, and legs, but also their stomachs.  Nothing is better than a ½ dozen fluffy delicious glazed donuts...and now that delectable treat is yours combined with running all for a great cause.

Adam’s Half Dozen Donut Challenge 10k

“Adam’s ½ Dozen Challenge”  This is a 6-mile run, with a twist.  The course is a two-loop course through beautiful Nathan Benderson Park.  After the first loop (3.1 miles), the runners will stop to eat 6 donuts as quickly as possible before taking off for their second loop around the park. Then racing to the finish!

For those of you that conquer this challenge, you will receive an awesome cool sweatband to show off at the end of the race.  You will be given your sweatband in exchange for your empty donut box at the halfway point in the race before heading out for the second half.  We know you have it in you!

**You DO NOT have to finish within 60 mins.  Run, walk, or crawl to the finish!

5k and 10k Race

For those who can’t stand the thought of donuts and running together (you really should give it a try), there is an option to run the race (5k or 10k) as normal and enjoy donuts after the dust settles at your own pace.  This race is geared for everyone. Young or old, fitness-minded or sugar-hungry, serious runner or fun-seeking enthusiast, the ½  Dozen Donut Race has a place for you! The donuts will be fresh, the field will be hungry, the course will be set, and all that’s left is for you to sign up today!

Everyone WILL RECEIVE A T-SHIRT!! (but after August 18th, 2018 we cannot guarantee a size). 

Come To Run. Eat Donuts. Support A Good Cause.  AND RUN ON WATER!.

Whether you register for the 5k, 10k, or the Adam's Half Dozen Donut Challenge, all three races will be Net Chipped Timed Race.  The course is a looped course through Nathan Benderson Park.  The 5k loop course will take you along the park path, over the bridge and racing back to the finish getting to run on water!  Well, it will feel like you are running on water.  The county has given us permission to send runners across the flat surface of the lake's wave attenuation system, which maintains smooth water conditions during rowing regattas.  For those of you who are not up to speed with your "rowing lingo"...this is the  skinny bridge-like walkway across the middle of the water.  This is a rare, as it is typically closed for the general public.  If you choose the 10k or Adam's Half Dozen Donut Challenge, you will get to run it twice as it is a two-loop course. 

Not only will this race be amazingly fun, and beautiful BUT it is supporting a great charity.  The race benefits children affected by a speech disorder called Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS).  We have decided to connect with Apraxia Kids, the nation's largest non-profit organization providing support for children diagnosed with Apraxia of Speech. 

Stay For Breakfast

If you decided on waiting to eat after running, or half dozen donuts wasn't enough, we will have donuts after the race!  In addition, Max's Table is our Breakfast sponsor and will be providing the runners with a delicious breakfast.  You won't leave this race thirsty or hungry!

We will have some great sponsors and vendors at the race! Look for more details on facebook and for emails to follow. 


Our pricing is simple.  The earlier you register the cheaper the price will be.

Adam's Half Donut Challenge Pricing:

Runners 1-25...........$30

Runners 26-50.........$35

Runners 51-75.........$40

Runners 75 -350.... $45

**Rate Increases 10 days before race


10k Pricing:

Runners 1-25...........$30

Runners 26-50.........$35

Runners 51-75.........$40

Runners 75 - 350.... $45

**Rate Increases 10 days before race

5k Pricing:

Runners 1-25...........$25

Runners 26-50.........$30

Runners 51-75.........$35

Runners 75 - 350.... $40

**Rate Increases 10 days before race

Everyone who registers by August 11th, 2018 will receive a free t-shirt!

Race Day

Start Time:  8:00am

Gate Opens: 7:00am

Race Day Registration:  Only the 5k and 10k will be available on race day.  **No Race Day registration for Adam's Half Dozen Donut Challenge

Parking:  $5 per vehicle (carpool to save but plenty of parking).  Follow signs.  Parking will be by the Viewing Tower

RAIN OR SHINE -  This is a charity event, so there will not be a rain day. 

This is a family friendly event, bring the entire family. 

Packet Pick Up

Packet Pick Up - TBD

Check Back in the coming weeks for times and location of our packet pick up

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at





Breakfast Food Sponsor

Benefiting Charity



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