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Run for kids virtual 5k

Wed May 1 - Mon May 20 Virtual, GA 30045 US


Virtual, GA US 30045


Get moving with a purpose, with character and for Kids!

I’ve decided to run the 2019 TCS New York City Marathon with Team for Kids by helping raise money for this inspiring mission. Join me on this 5K virtual race to support Team for Kids organization where a team of adult runners raise funds for critical services provided by New York Road Runners youth programs. These programs empower youth development and encourage healthy habits via running and character-building programs across the country.

Whether you are a runner, a walker, have worked with children, or have kids yourself, I hope you will join me to further this great cause! All of the proceeds will be donated to this organization and all donations are tax deductible.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Run with purpose! Run for you! Run for kids

You may also donate to support Team for Kids organization at:

Healthy kids

On race day, wear your bib and time yourself. At the end of the race, take a picture of your time and yourself wearing your medal and upload it on the race facebook page to show you have completed your race.


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