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Sat August 22, 2020 Johnston, IA 50023 US Directions


Mayor's Run for the Trails 5K

8:15AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT

Kids 0.62 Fun Run (Ages 5-12)

8:00AM CDT - 8:15AM CDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Terra Park
6400 Pioneer Parkway
Johnston, IA US 50023


The registration fee includes a short-sleeve performance blend t-shirt. If you register after 8/7/20, your shirt size is not guaranteed. We will do our best to increase shirt sizes on quantities before the order is placed to accommodate runners. We apologize in advance if you order a shirt after August 7th and we no longer have that size available.

Registration Fees: 
Before 7/31/20: $30
8/1/20-8/7/20: $35
8/8/20-8/22/20: $40

On behalf of the Mayor’s Run for the Trails, we want to thank you for your interest in the event on Saturday, August 22. But as you know, we are all facing unprecedented times. Each of us is impacted by what is happening in our community and inside our homes. These past few months we have all been faced with many ups and downs. 

To ensure the safety of those participating in the event, it will look a lot different this year.

  • Chip Timing: To ensure participants' social distance on Saturday, August 22, there will not be chip timing. Participants will have all day on Saturday, August 22, to complete the course and submit their time for a chance to win their age group.

  • Course Maps: Maps for the 5K and kids fun runs are posted below.

  • Packets: There will not be a packet pick-up available on Saturday, August 22. We encourage participants to pick up their packets on Friday, August 21. If you are unable to pick them up on Friday, please email to schedule a time to pick up your packet.

  • Athlete Swag: T-shirts will be the only swag available this year. Bibs and medals will not be distributed. If you choose to run the course on race morning, please consider wearing your t-shirt for a selfie opportunity at the end.

  • Food: There will not be any food available after the run. We encourage runners and walkers to eat a well-balanced meal before venturing out for this virtual event.

  • Photos: Our Mayor will miss rallying with everyone at the start line and cheering you on as you cross the finish line. Please take a selfie and tag us using #MayorsRunforTrails2020.

  • Prizes by Age Group: If you choose to run the course, please email the Communications Specialist ( with your name, age, and race time. Prizes will be given to the top participants in each age category. Prizes must be picked up at Crown Point Community Center during business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Winners will be notified via email. Winners are encouraged to email to schedule a time to pick-up their prize.
    • Prizes for top female and male will be awarded in the following age groups:
      • 19 and under
      • 20-29
      • 30-39
      • 40-49
      • 50-59
      • 60+

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Mayor's Run for the Trails - Kids Fun Run (5 and under)

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Mayor's Run for the Trails - Kids Fun Run (Ages 5-12)

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Mayor's Run for the Trails 5K

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.




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