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Truckin' 5K

Sat May 18, 2013 Romeoville, IL 60446 US Directions


5K Run/Walk

8:00AM CDT


1050 West Romeo Road
Romeoville, IL US 60446




900 W. Romeo Rd. Romeoville, IL 60446

Romeoville Recreation Department

5/14. Make checks payable and mail to:

All mail-in registration forms must be postmarked by 

1050 W. Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

Romeoville Village Hall


Kid’s Run: 9:00am

5K Run/Walk: 8:00am


Online: 1/2 - 5/14 (by 5:00pm)

Walk-in/Mail-in: 1/2 - 5/14

Race Day (5/18): 5:00pm - 6:15pm



Available to the first 200 registrants. Sizes are not 

Packet Pick Up:

Packets can be picked up on race day.


wheelchairs) and dogs are not allowed.

line skates, roller skates, other wheeled vehicles (except 

Are allowed but must start behind runners. Bicycles, inTiming/Results:

5K Run is chip timed.


Ribbons will be given to all participants. Other 


group, and the top three female runners in each age 

female runner, the top three male runners in each age 

awards will be given to the first place overall male and 

Office Hours:

Saturday - Sunday 9:00am-6:30pm

Monday - Friday 9:00am-9:00pm


(900 W. Romeo Rd.)

Available at the Romeoville Recreation Department 

 and along Romeo Rd


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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