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Race for the Cure Louisville

Sat October 13, 2018 Louisville, KY 40222 US Directions


5k Run/Walk

9:00AM EDT


9:00AM EDT

1 Mile Run and Walk

9:00AM EDT


U of L ShelbyHurst Campus
450 N. Whittington Pkwy.
Louisville, KY US 40222


We will have two flat, easy courses for this year's Race for the Cure.  Both our 5K (which is approximately 3.1 miles) and our 1-mile Family Walk will begin at the Founders Union of UofL's ShelbyHurst Campus (please note NEW LOCATION - 450 N Whittington Pkwy).  

Due to insurance, safety, and planning purposes, please note that in order to participate in the pre-Race expo, food, and activities, as well as the Walk/Run, participants MUST BE REGISTERED FOR THE RACE and be wearing their RACE BIB. Please share this with your team members, family, and friends. Non-registered people may cheer on their loved ones along the course in designated areas.

Registration is available at:


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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