Charlotte, NC US 28209
Have you ever lost a family member before their time? Many students at Myers Park High School and their family members have. Everyone deals with these losses differently. KinderMourn has assisted many of these families with the grieving process. KinderMourn is an organization that helps assist those who have lost a loved one, through counseling and activities. All proceeds from the race will be donated to this wonderful organization. The race will be run on the newly completed Myers Park High School cross country course on December 15, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. Myers Park High School is hosting this event in memory of all the loved ones lost in the past year in the Myers Park community. This event will help unify the community and also help remember loved ones we have lost.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
KinderMourn is a local chairty that is dedicated to helping children and parents through the grieving process after suffering from the loss of a loved one. The money raised from this event will help KinderMourn meet its monatery needs for their anual summer camp. For more information on KinderMourn and to read personal stories visit
Race Day
If you plan to register the day of the event please make sure you arrive in time to complete registration BY 9 am.
The pre-race activities will start at 9:30 am
Race starts at 10 am
Race Information
The race will begin on the Myers Park High School practice football field which is by the tennis courts. The race will begin at approximately 10 am. This race is limited to 200 participants, so sign up early to ensure your spot. If you plan to register the day of the race (if spots avalible), you must register by 9am. The entry fee will increase to $35.
- Registration 8:00-9:00
- Bib pick up 8:30-9:45
- Balloon Release 9:45
- 5K begins 10:00
Please no strollers or dogs
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.