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Jersey Boys State 5k Run + Walk

Sun September 7, 2014 Hamilton, NJ 08690 US Directions


5k Run

9:00AM EDT

1 Mile Walk

9:30AM EDT


2206 Kuser Rd
Hamilton, NJ US 08690


About the New Jersey Boys State Foundation

The New Jersey Boys State Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization, works to keep the American Legion Jersey Boys State (ALJBS) program tuition-free to all attendees by helping off-set escalating costs of running the program. To learn more, please visit

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Age Groups

12 & Under;  13-15;  16-19;   20-29;   30-39;   40-49;   50-59;   60-69;   70 +

Event Schedule

Rain or Shine — No Refunds

Registration 7:30am—8:45am

5k Run 9:00am

1-Mile Walk 9:30am

Awards Ceremony 10:00am


5k Overall Top Male & Female

Top 3 in each Age Group

Top Male and Female Military

Top Male and Female First Responder

Top 3 ALJBS Alumni


Race Site Address:   2206 Kuser Rd. Hamilton, NJ 08690

From North Jersey : NJ tpk. to exit 7A Rt. 195 west to exit 3B Hamilton Sq. Left at first light on Kuser Rd. Park entrance is 1 mile on right.

From Pennsylvania: Rt. 95 north to Rt 295 south, to Rt. 195 east. Take exit 3B as above.

From South Jersey: Rt. 295 north, to Rt, 195 east. Take exit 3B as above.



ONLINE Registration closes   10pm, Friday, September 5.

Race Amenities

All pre-registered participants will receive a race t-shirt.

Race day registrants will receive a t-shirt while supplies last.

About American Legion Jersey Boys State

ALJBS is a week-long experience that educates, trains, and inspires New Jersey’s youth so that each statesman may become a lifelong leader of character committed to service, respect, and Americanism.

Together, all of the delegates form the mythical "51st" state of the union each year, where they elect their own local, state, and national representatives. Activities at ALJBS include legislative sessions, general assemblies, court proceedings, athletics, band, and career seminars, among many others.

All expenses are typically donated by a sponsoring American Legion Post, a local business, or a community-based organization.

Since 1946, approximately 55,000 New Jersey rising-seniors in high school have attended ALJBS tuition-free.

More than 170 former statesmen, Legionnaires, and community leaders donate their time to make ALJBS one of the most worthwhile weeks of every statesman’s life.

Notable former statesmen include: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, United States Senator Bob Menendez, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, Newark, NJ Mayor Cory Booker, and many others.

To learn more, please visit



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