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North Jersey Masters End of Summer Celebration

Tue August 30, 2022 Ridgewood, NJ 07450 US Directions



Steel Wheel Tavern
51 North Broad Street
Ridgewood, NJ US 07450


Join us on August 30th for NJM's annual summer social!

We are always on the run- literally! Let's make time to enjoy some food, beverages and one another's company.

This year our event will take place at the Steel Wheel Tavern, 51 North Broad St. Ridgewood.  

Meet us there at 7:00pm after the workout.

Indoor and outdoor seating.

Cash bar.

We kindly request you let us know you are coming by signing up no  later than noon Monday 8/29 so that we can provide the restaurant with a headcount.

Club Event Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Club Event, click the button below.


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