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NWO 5k & Pump n Go

Sat March 22, 2014 Findlay, OH 45840 US Directions


NWO 5k only

9:00AM EDT

NWO Pump n Go

7:00AM EDT


2515 Heatherwood Dr.
Findlay, OH US 45840


Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstance, we must suspend this year's event.  We will be back next year.  Thank you to all who have in the past and those who were going to participate this year.  See you in 2015!


We have 2 distinct events again for our 6th Annual NWO 5k & Pump n Go!  We have the straight up 5k event and have our combination bench press AND 5k event.  Our 5k begins at 9am from Findlay EFree Church and is a walk or run.  The Pump n Go starts with the bench at 7am at NWO at 7595 CR 236, Findlay.  The "Go" portion or 5k, is run with the 5k race at 9am.  Pre-registration closes Monday, March 17, 2014.  There is NO registration for the Pump n Go on the event day.  There will be race day registration for the 5k only from 7:30-8:30am.

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