28001 Moline Martin Rd
Millbury, OH US 43447
We are, Mended Little Hearts of Northwest Ohio, a support/advocacy group for families with children who have congenital
heart defects, (CHD’s). Many people are unaware that 1 in 110 babies are born with a CHD and 25% of those babies need to
have an intervention through open heart surgery or heart catheterization within the first year of life, often the first week of life.
Follow up appointments and surgeries are needed through their adult life. There is no cure or known cause of CHDs and is
five times more prevalent than all childhood cancers combined. CHDs are the #1 birth defect, 40,000 infants are born with
CHDs each year in the U.S. alone, and one-third of all birth defects are CHD.
We are increasing awareness of Congenital Heart Disease by hosting the 3rd Annual Lion's Heart Walk N’ Run, on Saturday,
August 10th, 2019 at 9 am. Proceeds from this event will go towards Bravery Bags to hospitalized children that provide
comfort items for them and their parents during their stay in the hospital. In addition, proceeds from the race will go towards
cost to hold the event, funding of support group educational meetings/activities and support group expenses.
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