Belle River, ON CA N0R 1A0
The First Annual weULTRA Run (FAwR) is not just another run. The FAwR is not a race, it is a journey. The FAwR is an adventure with friends, yet at the same time, a personal examination of oneself.
A FAwR runner is entirely self-reliant. From beginning to end, they must expend their own physical and mental resources to complete the full route in 1 continuous push. They must also account for and be responsible for their most basic needs; like food and water. Within the time limits of the event, each runner must make their way thru the entire course on foot, facing whatever weather Mother Nature throws at them, and dealing with any detours, reroutes or obstructions that are put in front of them.
This will not be easy. This will be hard. The key to success is to keep moving forward and not quit. However, success cannot be guaranteed. There are no aid stations. It is just you, your ability and your determination. When you have doubts, you must fight them off. When finishing seems inconceivable, you must believe you can finish. Your most fierce competition will be the thoughts in your head telling you to quit. But remember, at any time you can make it all stop by calling someone to come pick you up and drive you home to ponder your thoughts of defeat.
Some might fail, some might succeed. For those with enough persistence and tenacity to finish, the sense of accomplishment will be indescribable. You may even be a little sad that this unreasonable quest has come to an end.
The FAwR experience can best be summed up from a quote by one of the events founding-fathers…
“It’s better to try and fail, then to never have tried at all.” – Moonshine Davidson
Finisher Options
In regards to your quest to complete the odyssey around Essex County, the committee wants everyone to fully understand that the run can be done in different ways:
Option 1 “In Chunks” (brought to you by The Barf Brothers):
Start with the group, go as far as you can that day, and then complete the remaining distance at your convenience over the next 29 days.
Option 2 “Crewed”:
Completion of the full route within the 40 hour time limit. Runner can be supported and aided by road angels, the rolling aid station, drop-bags, and whatever you can obtain along the course.
Option 3 “Screwed”:
Completion of the full route within the 40 hour time limit. Runner must be completely self-reliant. They cannot accept any help via drop-bags, the rolling aid station or any planned road angel or aid station. Unplanned help is acceptable, as well as anything the runner can obtain along the course.
Option 4 “Smart Way”:
Stay home, follow online and laugh at the dummies who made a bad decision to run around the county.
Option 2 and 3 are really the same thing, it's just a fine line between stupidity levels. You can start "screwed" and end up switching to "crewed" any time during the run if needed, it doesn't change anything.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.