Vendor Participation Waiver and Agreement
By checking this box, you agree on behalf of your organization to contribute the agreed-upon monetary value or product and to participate in the Malibu Moves: 5K, Half Marathon & Kids Run, referred to as "the Event". You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Move Together LLC (DBA Malibu Moves), its partners, sponsors, municipalities, and any other organizations associated with the Event, along with each of their officers, agents, and employees from any liability, claim, or action for damages arising from, or in any way connected with your participation in this Event.
You commit to abide by and enforce all rules and regulations set forth by the City of Malibu, the County of Los Angeles Department of Beaches & Harbors, and any additional guidelines established by Move Together LLC. You acknowledge that your booth and operations may be terminated by Event officials at any time, should they determine that your products, services, or marketing materials are unsuitable for Event participants, or pose a risk of damage or disruption to the Event environment.
You certify that your organization shall assume responsibility for any damage or unnecessary strain caused to booth spaces, grounds, or equipment due to actions by your organization’s personnel. Furthermore, you grant an irrevocable right and permission for Move Together LLC and its designated parties to take and use photographs, videos, motion pictures, and/or sound recordings of your booth, products, and any personnel present at the Event for promotional, news, research, or any other lawful purpose.
Non-Cancellation Policy: Once you have agreed to participate and have been allocated space at the Event, you may not cancel this agreement. Failure to participate after confirmation will result in forfeiture of any fees paid and may impact your eligibility to participate in future events.
By checking this box, you affirm that you have the authority to bind your organization to this agreement and that you fully understand and agree to the terms set forth herein.