Register For
Let's Get Movin' New Balance Foundation 5K for Fitness

Boston, MA 02128

Registrant #1

Login with your RunSignup account.

This will be the password for your RunSignup account.
Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Used for age group calculations
Valid formats include: 000-000-0000 or 0000000000

Choose Your Event *

Kids Race Free!

$10.00 + $2.00 SignUp Fee

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I, the registrant, or parent/guardian of the registrant, a minor, agree that the registrants will abide by the rules of NeighborhHealth and recognize the possibility of physical injury associated with the New Balance Foundation Let's Get Movin' 5K for Fitness, and in consideration for NeighborHealth, accepting the registrant for its activity, I hereby release, discharge, and/or otherwise indemnify NeighborHealth and any affiliated organizations and sponsors, their employees and associated personnel, including the owners of fields and facilities utilized for the programs, against any claim by or on the behalf of the registrants as a result of our participation in the event.

Consent for Medical Treatment

As a registrant or Parent or Legal Guardian of the above named registrants, I hereby give my consent for first aid and emergency medical treatment care (prescribed by a duly licensed Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Dentistry). This care may be given under whatever conditions are necessary to preserve life, limb, or well-being of myself or my dependents.

Consent to Photograph and Authorization to Use

I give permission for NeighborHealth to take photograph(s), video and film of the registrants. Photography may be used for marketing and art purposes in any medium of advertising, communication, publication or publicity to promote Let's Get Movin' and NeighborHealth. 

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