Register For

Radnor, PA 19087

Registrant #1

Login with your RunSignup account.

This will be the password for your RunSignup account.
Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Used for age group calculations
Format: ###-###-####

Choose Your Event(s) *

$35.00 + $3.10 SignUp Fee

$30.00 + $2.80 SignUp Fee

Multi-Person Pricing


In consideration of accepting this entry and for other good and valuable consideration and covenants as may be found herein, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by this Release, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby waive and irrevocably and forever relinquish any and all claims and/or causes of action for damages which I may have against the Radnor Township School District, Radnor Elementary School, Radnor Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization, Inc. ("PTO") and all of their respective and collective sponsors, heirs, executors, agents, assigns, servants, affiliates, officers, directors, shareholders, representatives, owners, employees, trustees, predecessors and successors, for any and all injuries sustained by me or a member of my family as a result of participation in this event. I attest and verify that I am personally fit and have sufficiently trained for this event, and that I have taken all necessary precautions, including but not limited to, use of the proper training equipment, in order to prevent injury. I further understand that this event may be conducted upon public roadways not under the control of the Radnor Township School District, Radnor Elementary School or Radnor Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization, Inc. ("PTO"), and by participating in this event I am assuming any and all risks associated with being upon such roadways.

Photo Consent: By executing this Entry Form, I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that I am granting consent for the use of (my) (my child's) name and photographs taken during this event.

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