Results For
8. ronk Continental beh na Pust hrad Zvolen.

Zvolen, 08000

8. roèník Continental beh na Pustý hrad Zvolen.
Date: 10/10/2020
Overall Finish List

Beh na Pustý Hrad

Fin Pos Name City Bib No Age Gender Age Group Chip Time Gun Time Pace
51Dominika SchallerováActive Planet4831F5:20-39 37:55.637:55.66:32/K
52Richard VanoZvolen5518M3: 1-19 37:56.737:56.76:33/K
53Erik FabianFujitsu team9741M20:40-49 37:58.437:58.46:33/K
54Lucia DodokováBohu na slávu, blížnemu n5844F1:40-49 38:01.438:01.46:33/K
55Pavol OrságLuèenec5356M7:50-59 38:07.838:07.86:34/K
56Martin JasoSrdcom Strehovèania7432M16:20-39 38:16.538:16.56:36/K
57Luboš Dom4053M8:50-59 38:31.938:31.96:39/K
58František UrbanContinental20944M21:40-49 38:37.838:37.86:40/K
59Matej ŠirokýBeh pre rados4616M4: 1-19 38:40.738:40.76:40/K
60Zuzana SitkovaSpartans Zvolen10146F2:40-49 38:46.838:46.86:41/K
of 11

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