Results For
8. ronk Continental beh na Pust hrad Zvolen.

Zvolen, 08000

8. roèník Continental beh na Pustý hrad Zvolen.
Date: 10/10/2020
Overall Finish List

Beh na Pustý Hrad

Fin Pos Name City Bib No Age Gender Age Group Chip Time Gun Time Pace
61Milan HrušovskýSTEZ SNV5463M4:60-99 38:48.238:48.26:41/K
62¼ubomír HolèíkSpartans Zvolen2439M17:20-39 38:57.438:57.46:43/K
63TomᚠHorváthSpartans Zvolen2338M18:20-39 38:57.638:57.66:43/K
64Dominika LopatováPoporad6429F6:20-39 39:09.139:09.16:45/K
65Blanka HerichováZvolen6243F3:40-49 39:17.939:17.96:47/K
66Miloš KoniarSLOVALCO5062M5:60-99 39:35.739:35.76:50/K
67Marek TuranskýContinental21921M19:20-39 39:40.439:40.46:50/K
68Filip BazalaContinental12014M5: 1-19 39:46.439:46.46:51/K
69Jaroslav PazúrJPBB2247M22:40-49 39:50.739:50.76:52/K
70Lenka TabakováBŠK Banská Bystrica535F7:20-39 40:00.340:00.36:54/K
of 11

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