Results For
Pound the Pavement for Peter - Family Fun Run

Atlanta, GA 30319

********** AGE-GROUP RESULTS **********

********** FEMALE OVERALL RESULTS ***********

Place Place Name Age Hometown Time Pace
1149Beverly Sandel44Atlanta GA26:598:41
1251Arabella Smith10Atlanta GA27:068:44
1359Sarah Small927:589:00
1463Shuang Chang46Atlanta GA28:009:01
1564Katherine Jin10Atlanta GA28:009:01
1665Megan Stephenson46Atlanta GA28:029:02
1770Charlotte Allen47Atlanta GA28:129:05
1872Mary Dougla Kollme12Atlanta GA28:149:05
1975Ann Townsen Lynch11Atlanta GA28:299:10
2076Elizabeth Rogers12Atlanta GA28:309:11
of 25

********** MALE OVERALL RESULTS ***********

Place Place Name Age Hometown Time Pace
1121Ben Prevost4523:557:42
1225James Rankin9Atlanta GA23:597:44
1326Penn Fletcher10Atlanta GA24:007:44
1427Barrett Peters1024:227:51
1528Steve Thomas50Atlanta GA24:387:56
1630Brandon Aebersold45Atlanta GA24:407:57
1732Gary Blackmon45Newnan GA25:138:07
1835Charles McKnight61Atlanta GA25:288:12
1939Brooks Castellaw Jr.11Atlanta GA25:498:19
2040Steven Reisz11Tucker GA25:558:21
of 18

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