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Results for Piedmont IM strong

All Activity - TEAM - Team Results
Place: 154
Clock Time:
275.86 miles
Elevation Gain:
9,112 ft

Total Distance275.86 miles of 2,025.00 miles

Progress 13.62%
2,025.00 miles
1st Milestone
Unlocked on
2nd Milestone
Unlocked on
3rd Milestone
Unlocked on
4th Milestone
Unlocked on
5th Milestone
Unlocked on
6th Milestone
Unlocked on

Member Results

Team Place Place Name Gender Bib Clock Time Chip Time miles Elevation Gain
1 455 Kavitha Vemuri Female 3313 31:35:52 91.23 miles 8,833 ft
2 478 manoj Allala Male 3321 4:40:00 82.95 miles 0 ft
3 599 Louise Orth Female 3314 12:29:22 47.44 miles 0 ft
4 632 chantelle Martin Female 3322 10:28:30 38.33 miles 279 ft
5 723 Mohsin hajjaj Male 3320 3:57:00 15.90 miles 0 ft

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