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Blount County Melanoma Awareness 5K

Sat May 21, 2016 Maryville, TN 37804 US Directions


Blount County Melanoma Awareness 5K

8:00AM EDT - 10:00AM EDT

Additional Fees

registration fee: $2.00


Pistol Creek
Maryville, TN US 37804


Melanoma is skin cancer. It has had a 2000% increase since 1930 with 1 in 50 being affected. Early detection makes melanoma highly curable but it is the least screened for cancer. People find their own melanomas more frequently than doctors do. Hailey is hosting this 5K for her Girl Scout Gold Award to spread Melanoma Awareness.

It will be May 21st at 8am and located at Pistol Creek, at the Maryville Library bridge. Regisgtration is $20 + $2 fee and will include a T-shirt if registered prior to May 6th.

Awards will be given to the top 3 male and female runners and top 3 children/teens (17 and younger).


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