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Just for the Heck of It XV – Race Against Hunger IV 5K / 1 Mile Run/Walk

Sat July 7, 2012 Arlington, TX 76006 US Directions


Elm Grove Pavilion, River Legacy Parks (near N. Cooper & NW Green Oaks Blvd intersection), 701 NW Green Oaks Blvd
Arlington, TX US 76006


Another fun/competitive race in beautiful River Legacy Parks in N. Arlington.Have fun running, walking, strolling … Parking - available in the park. Donated packaged/boxed/canned foods  are encouraged for Community Food Bank; and the net race proceeds will go to that organization. More info? call 817-265-4578 or e-mail


5K @ 9:00 AM;  1M @ 10:00 AM

….Our racing mission continues to be to produce affordable, hedonistically fun & athletically competitive races that also benefit some charity(-ies) with a populist & gender parity focus – for the average runner/walker (including the novices) and also for the seasoned, serious racer….

Well, we have another open racing Saturday – this time with no races in Tarrant County – on July 7th. And so we bring you another race in the Just for the Heck of It series.  The Just for the Heck of It XV – Race Against Hunger IV 5K/1M will take place at beautiful River Legacy Parks in Arlington, TX on July 7, 2012…..


Over the years we’ve engaged a number of themes with these races. Peace  -- in a world with unending warring and rampant killing – is critical for if we succeed in obliterating ourselves, then there will be no tomorrow. And nothing else will matter. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,  put it, “wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows…"  Gender equality & parity is another theme in a world where women and girls continue to be savaged, abused, subjugated, marginalized, disrespected – at will.  It’s disgracefully ugly!  There also is Hunger. Every year, hunger claims the lives of millions of men, women and children across the globe. Even here at home, there is widespread hunger where, every day, millions don’t have enough – or anything at all – to eat. Criminal, I’d say!  The Just for the Heck of XV – albeit in a very small way -- will try to address hunger…..

Net proceeds from the race will benefit Community Food Bank --serving needy families in Fort Worth and Tarrant County.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Awards in the 5K will be given to 1st Overall male and female finishers, 1st Masters male and female finishers. Top 3 finishers in the following age/gender groups also will be awarded: 6 & Under, 7-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80 & Over. All 1 Mile finishers will receive participation ribbons.


Net proceeds and the donated packaged/boxed/canned foods  will be given to Community Food Bank --serving needy families in Fort Worth and Tarrant County.[]


Arlington, TX 76006

Directions, etc.

This is a fun & competitive race in beautiful River Legacy Parks in north Arlington. The course is flat & fast, and is mostly tree-shaded. DIRECTIONS FROM DALLAS, FORT WORTH, etc. Exit onto N. Cooper off I-30 in Arlington and go north. Turn Left at the intersection of Cooper & Green Oaks. Turn Right at the very next intersection/light and go into the Park. Continue on the park entrance road. Turn Left at the first road on the left. Continue on that road until you see the race activity.


This will be the fifteenth edition of this race series. Complete results from some of the previous years – and this year’s -- can be found on the Web at and other sites.

Offline Fees

Mail-in fees are $10 (5K) OR $5 (1 Mile)  if mailed by 7/3/12 (Forms may be obtained by e-mail from or on the Web). Walk-in fees (through 7/6/12) are $10 (5K) OR $5 (1 Mile) at The RUNNER, 3535 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington TX 76013 (817-461-2281). Race day fees - $15 (5K) OR $5 (1 Mile). Plus packaged/boxed/canned foods  for Community Food Bank on race day. NO T-SHIRTS! But a small, scholarly memento.


Race Participant Survey

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