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Second Annual Emmett Hannes Memorial 5K Run/Walk

Sat March 2, 2013 Giddings, TX 78942 US Directions


County Courthouse, 200 S. Main Street
Giddings, TX US 78942


2nd Annual Emmett Hannes Memorial 5k Run/Walk


March 2, 2013 at 8:00 a.m.

Lee County Courthouse, Giddings, Texas 


Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 runners and walkers, male and female, in the following age groups:  10 & under, 11-15, 16-21, 22-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-60, and over 60.  $25 until 2/1/13 (t-shirt guaranteed); $30 after 2/1/13 (t-shirt while supplies last).  This 5k is held as a memorial to Emmett Hannes one of the founding members of the Rotary Club of Giddings.  All proceeds will go to community service projects or scholarships.  


For more information, please contact Michelle at (979) 542-9602


Mail Registration to:  Michelle Weiser, P.O. Box 507, Giddings, Texas 78942


Online Registration:  Click Here


Checks Payable to:  Rotary Club of Giddings   

Race Contact Info

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More information at Race Webpage

For more information about the race (including a flyer, sponsor form, registration form and course map), please go to the race webpage.  


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