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Sat April 27, 2019 Granbury, TX 76049 US Directions



8:00AM CDT


8:00AM CDT


8:00AM CDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Hood County YMCA
1475 James Rd.
Granbury, TX US 76049


Triathlon is one of the fastest-growing sports in the world, and kid’s triathlons are a vital part of this trend. There is no better way for a child to experience the benefits of a healthy lifestyle focused on hard work, daily exercise and good nutrition. Every triathlon consists of 4 components- swimming, biking, running and transitions. The course is designed to be challenging, yet achievable, even for the first-timers. Plus, the safety of your child is priority during the triathlon. With the help of amazing staff and volunteers, we go to great lengths to make the course as safe as possible. Each child will be chip-timed and walk away with a medal around his or her neck. Awards will also be given to the top finishers in each age group. Contact the Hood County YMCA for more information on this great program.


Healthy Kids Day event will immediately follow the Kids’ Triathlon and is FREE and open to the public!




• Mini-Tri Division:  Ages 5 & up; swim 25 yards, bike 1.5 miles, run 1/2 mile (designed for those needing floatation devices for swim and/or training wheels for bike)

• Junior Division:  Ages 6-10; swim 75 yards, bike 3 miles, run 3/4 mile

• Senior Division:  Ages 11-14; swim 150 yards, bike 6 miles (2 loops), run 1 mile


Registration Fee

$30 per child (limit of 125 children) *Price increases to $35 after April 14, 2019

When & Where


TIME:  Event begins at 8:00am.  Packet pick-up & transition are open from 6:30-7:45am.  Athlete mandatory pre-event meeting starts at 7:45am.

WHERE:  Hood County YMCA, 1475 James Rd. Granbury, Texas 76049


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Registration Deadline to guarantee shirt size is April 15. Race registration deadline is Friday, April 26 at 12p.m.  Email address needs to be provided to ensure you receive prior race day information. Chip timed by Race Day Event Services.


Training Clinics at Hood County YMCA


Packet-Pick Up:


*Pre-Registered Athletes: (registered by Thursday, April 25th at Midnight) Packet-pick up is Friday, April 26th from 3p-7pm at Hood County YMCA, 1475 James Rd. Granbury, Texas 76049 or on Race Day: 6:30AM-7:30AM

*All Athletes registered after Thursday, April 25th- Packet Pick-up is on RACE DAY: 6:30-7:30 AM

Race Day Registration: Registration ends Friday, April 26 at 12pm so there is no Race Day Registration available. Packet pick-up will be open from 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM; Transition is open from 6:30AM-7:45AM.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Online registration can be found on the Hood County YMCA Website.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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