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YMCA's Masked Memorial Day Virtual Race and Ride

Sun May 24, 2020 Anywhere, VA 12345 US Directions


15 Mile Bike

12:00AM EDT

30 Mile Bike

12:00AM EDT

5k Run

12:00AM EDT

10k Run

12:00AM EDT

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Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Your Choice!
Anywhere, VA US 12345


We’re proud to announce the Waynesboro Y’s Masked Memorial Day Virtual Race & Ride, generously sponsored by Weaver Insurance & Financial Advisors, Charlie Obaugh Auto Group, and Powder Coating. Embodying the YMCA’s guiding tenet of Healthy Living, the challenge provides an opportunity for racers of every age & skill level to get out there & race for a cause! As a virtual event, the race also preserves social distancing & individual safety.

By registering, participants will also contribute towards the Y’s critical community programs, echoing our core value of Social Responsibility. For just $25 per person (or $75 for families of 3-5), racers can register for: 5k run, 10k run, 15-mile bike, or 30-mile bike. Your event distance can be completed anytime Friday – Monday. May 22nd – May 25th.

Individual times should be submitted on our detailed race page. Registrants will receive a Waynesboro YMCA “I Gave” washable face mask (image attached), as well as a finisher medal to commemorate the race.

To register, or for more information, please visit:


Race Participant Survey

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