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Dyslexia Dash 2025 Race

Sat October 18, 2025 Atlanta, GA 30346 US Directions

October 18, 2025


Arrive at Perimeter Mall by 6:30 am to assist in setting up the festival area. You may be asked to hang signs and help set up the Kids Zone (hula hoops, Jump Start, craft tables), Authors and Artists area, IDA-GA information, and Raffle area. You may be asked to set up the water areas, etc.

Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.


Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

Clean Up

October 18, 2025


Clean up areas after festival is completed. This is the perfect task for a student seeking volunteer hours!
Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.


Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

Registration AND T-Shirt Distribution Tables High Priority

You must be 18-100 years old to volunteer for this task.

October 18, 2025


Arrive NO LATER than 6:30 AM and report to the Registration Table. Volunteers will be checking people in and handing out race bibs. After the race begins, you will help set out the t-shirts by size and then help with t-shirt distribution.

Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.


Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO THE VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

Registration - Same Day (at SOLUTIONS area)

You must be 18-100 years old to volunteer for this task.

October 18, 2025


You need an iphone to take credit card payments.

Table to process runners who
1) Signed up for the race but do not have a bib in the registration area
2) Want to move from one type of race to another (un-timed to timed, kid-zone to untimed, etc.)
3) Runners registering the day of the race: There are two sections:
-One is a table set up close to the On-Line Registration Table for same-day participants to complete the proper paperwork. They must fill out a waiver form. (One volunteer here)
-The next section is a table that participants will be directed to once their paperwork is completed. Here, they will get their bibs and pay their registration fee. (two volunteers here.)

We need one person on the application table and two on the same-day registration table.

Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.


Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

SOLUTIONS table assistant High Priority

You must be 21-99 years old to volunteer for this task.

October 18, 2025


Located at the same place for same-day registrations. You will help Mike Wright.
Generally, answer questions,
Help those who have registered but did not get assigned a BIB number.
Sell extra t-shirts and hats after 8 a.m.


Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

Volunteer & Sponsor Sign In High Priority

You must be 25-100 years old to volunteer for this task.

October 18, 2025


Direct sponsors and volunteers.

Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.


Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO THE VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.It is located across from SOLUTIONS and Next to the IDA-GA info table.

IDA-GA Information and Teacher Raffle Table

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


You will help AML
-set up the table,
-help with teacher appreciation raffle
-keep the table neat,
-chat with visitors to the table (and if you can't answer a particular question, get Ann Marie's attention),
-hand out the preordered caps,
-man the table when AML needs to check on other areas,
-direct people wanting to purchase a cap to go Mike Wright's table for payment and return with payment slip to exchange for the purchased cap if Ann Marie is not available to take payment via Square at the IDA-GA table,


Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

Kids Zone High Priority

October 18, 2025


Responsibilities will vary and may include manning craft game areas, Rock for Dyslexia, etc.

You may be asked to assist Ryan Sias (artist).

Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.


Kid Zone in the center of the festival. It is the area behind the volunteer table.
Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

Kids Zone Rock Painting Table High Priority

October 18, 2025


Your job is to man the rock painting table along with others. You will tell parents about the Rock for Dyslexia Raffle and encourage them to use the QR code to enter their child's rock. Please also take candid and posed photos of kids with their rocks!

Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.


Kids Zone behind the volunteer check in table. Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

Mid-Point Water

You must be 12-100 years old to volunteer for this task.

October 18, 2025


This task includes distributing water at the mid-way point. These volunteers cannot run the race. You must arrive by 7:30am to ride out to mid-point with Jen Burch. She will bring you back after the completion of the race. Water and cups will be provided. This is another excellent opportunity for students seeking volunteer hours.


Midway point of the race--
FIRST go to Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

5K Finish Line Cheer High Priority

You must be 15-100 years old to volunteer for this task.

October 18, 2025


This is a great job for a non-runner with a great inner cheerleader! You'll cheer on 5K runners as they cross the finish line. Finish Line Volunteers will also help encourage runners to head to the t-shirt tables to collect shirts.

Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.


Finish Line. First go to Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

Medal Handout

You must be 16-100 years old to volunteer for this task.

October 18, 2025


Hand out medals to winners of categories as they are announced by the DJ after the completion of the race. Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.


A table will be set up to hand out medals near the DJ. We have 9:15 as an estimated time. This may change. Plan to be in the area before 9:15. Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO THE VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE upon arrival! You will be given updated instructions at that time.

Kids Fun Run Ribbon Hand-Out High Priority

October 18, 2025


Cheer and Hand out ribbons to participants of the 1-mile Kids run as they finish the race.


At the race finish line.
Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

Water/Food Tables

You must be 14-100 years old to volunteer for this task.

October 18, 2025


Volunteers will set out and replenish water and bananas for runners to enjoy as they finish the race.Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.


Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

Kids 1 mile Race Coordinators High Priority

You must be 16 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Volunteers needed to redirect participants of Kids run off of the main course they started on to the new course specifically designed for this race.


Position will be along the race route inside the Perimeter Parking Lot
Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

Photographer - Focus on Award Ceremony / Medal Recipients High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Take candid and posed photos of joyful winners! Get some close-ups of the medals on the table.

Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.


Check-in at the volunteer check-in table when you arrive. We usually have the award ceremony around 9:15, but you should plan to be there by 9:10 at the latest. Listen out and plan to be at the medal table near the DJ to capture the smiles and reactions of the medal recipients!

Photographer - Focus on Sponsors and Sponsor Teams

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Take photos of the sponsors manning their tables. You should also look for opportunities to take fun, candid, and posed photos of adults and children who are wearing sponsor t-shirts/gear. Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.


Check in at the volunteer check-in. Then go around to the Sponsor Tables set up throughout the event.

Photographer - Focus on Runners, Starting Line/Finishing Line

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Capture the start of the race, grab photos of runners/walkers during the race, and be ready to catch runners/walkers as they come to the finish line. Look for opportunities to catch photos showing fun and determination!
Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.

Photographer - Focus on Kids' Area

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Capture those smiling faces at the rock painting, hula hooping, etc. in and around the kids' area.
Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.


Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

Photographer - Wide Focus - Capture the Golden Moments

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


You will wander throughout the areas looking for opportunities to capture golden moments. Candid, posed, zoomed in or out. Have fun capturing the fun!

Volunteers do not get a racing t-shirt. You can either buy one at the race or register to run.


Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

Rock Collector & Base Paint Painter - PRIOR TO THE EVENT High Priority

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


Your job would be to collect some rocks, wash off the dirt, paint them a base color (spray paint is fast), and write a dyslexia-related hashtag (#dyslexiayouarenotalone, #dyslexiaawareness, #dyslexiarocks, #dyslexia, etc) on the rocks with a permanent marker or fine-tip paint pen. If you don't have time to do the #, that's okay! We just need your clean, base-painted rocky finds! :) Email to let us know how many painted rocks you likely will be able to bring to the Rock Painting table in the Kids' Zone on the Day of the Dash.


On Dash Day, go to the Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE. Drop off rocks at Rock Painting area.

Man the Authors and Artists Table(s) High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


You will man the table(s), making sure no one walks off with the books and artwork. Chat with the people who stop by and explain as needed how they can contact the artists and authors.


On Dash Day, go to the Perimeter Mall parking lot between Von Maur and Norstroms. GO TO THE VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN TABLE.

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