Theater has always been a huge part of my life. Since in high school, it has followed me around the state, always providing the lifeblood to my story. I've done shows from Portsmouth to Bangor, and every single opportunity has brought me something special. But for the past 6 years, I have settled into a more permanent routine, calling Community Little Theater my home.
In 2016, I found myself agreeing to help with costumes for a production of Little Shop of Horrors. Since then, I have been involved with many shows at CLT ranging from costumes to acting to choreography to set decor... I've been incredibly lucky to play - not one - but TWO bucket list roles on the CLT stage, bringing both Little Becky Two Shoes and Bad Idea Bear to life. And I was SO PSYCHED to have my CLT directorial debut with The Little Mermaid in summer 2021... but, you know, COVID.
Community Little Theatre has been closed for 18 months. My heart hurts. My creative soul is sad. And I desperately miss my theater family.
With the theater closed, I decided to join the board to help keep things afloat while we all navigated this strange new normal. I started lending my efforts to the development and marketing committees, bringing my professional talents to my side gig, and I came up with the idea to host a fundraising 5K as a safe way to bring our theater community together. The only problem? I will be SUPER pregnant when October 2nd rolls around.
So, I can't run. But I can STILL support the theater by asking you to donate.
At first I was going to set a modest fundraising goal of $100, but then I thought to myself that was playing it safe. So I pushed my goal to $250. But again, I thought to myself... why? This theater is important to me. The arts are important to me. And I have all of these beautiful, wonderful friends who all believe in the arts and support my shows. So why not reach for something that matters? I have 237 friends on Facebook. That's less than $5 per person to reach my goal. And you can bet I will be asking every single one of you. Let's do this.