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Parade Of Stars Team

Siah's Soldiers

Fundraiser Login
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Raised of $2,500


Siah's Soldiers

Thank you for joining Siah's Soldiers! We are so grateful for everyone of you who participate and donate to the DSSW. This is one of Josiah's favorite days and we'd love to have you come and walk with us.

This year, our team has a goal of $2500.00 to raise. Every dollar counts and no donation is too small. 



Top Donors

$1,805 Raised By 20 Donors

$500 on behalf of Bacci Family
$250 on behalf of Melinda Smith
$100 on behalf of 7B Construction
$100 on behalf of Angie DeWerff
$100 on behalf of Chela Love
$100 on behalf of Dale & Karen DeWerff
$100 on behalf of Rachel Tate
$100 on behalf of Scott Carter
$100 on behalf of Steven Hopper
$50 on behalf of Kirk Clawson
$50 on behalf of Rena Jones
$50 on behalf of Teresa Smith
$30 on behalf of Latisha Stine
$25 on behalf of Erika Mendoza
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Katelynn Fewin
$25 on behalf of Kirk Clawson
$25 on behalf of Marc Cogan
$25 on behalf of Rachel Arnett
$25 on behalf of Tammy Thrash

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