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Move to Cure STXBP1 Disorders

Sun September 1 - Tue December 3
STXBP1 Fundraising Team

Team Katie
Let's Get Moving

Fundraiser Login
Current Team Members:


Raised of $1,000


Team Katie

Welcome to the Team Katie Fundraising Page!
You all know our sweet Katie. But, did you know that this is our 8th year hosting a special "Move to Cure" fundraising event for Katie's rare genetic disorder? As a founding Board Member of the STXBP1 Foundation, I am proud to say that we've come a long way since we started in 2017 and that we now have 16 lines of research underway with brilliant scientists at top tier institutions around the world. We are really pushing hard to make something good happen for our girl and the other STXer kiddos.



Please join in on this annual fundraiser any way you can - whether it is sharing our social media posts during STXBP1 September Awareness Month, joining us at Osage Park in Danville for a fun walk on Saturday, 9/14 at 11am, registering to make your own "moves" between now and December 3rd, buying any of our cool shirts and apparel (link below), or by donating to the foundation.


Why is it important to donate to the STXBP1 Foundation?
The STXBP1 Foundations mantra has always been that “Science + Love = Cure” and our family honestly believes that we can get to a cure faster if we take the journey together. It’s only with the generosity of our families, friends, workplaces, and extended communities combined with the drive and determination of loving parents and scientific researchers, that we can accelerate awareness of STXBP1 disorders and fund research to find better treatments and a cure.


Get The Latest Team Katie Shirt

You can get your 2024 Team Katie shirts and sweatshirts here

We are thrilled to have you join Team Katie and want to thank you in advance for helping out. Your participation means the world to us and the entire STXBP1 disorders community!
Lots of Love from,

Russ, John, Katie, Allie, Lola, and the whole clan

Top Donors

$2,786 Raised By 14 Donors

$500 from Anonymous
$500 in honor of Katie
$300 from Anonymous
$300 in honor of Carolyn Georgette
$286 On Behalf Of 19 Shirts Sold!
$200 from Anonymous
$100 in honor of Don Marzetta
$100 in honor of John Malloy
$50 from Anonymous
$50 in honor of Joe & Pam Cunningham
$50 in honor of Katie
$50 in honor of Katie
$25 in honor of Katie
$100 in honor of Katie Geraci-Novy

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