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US Road Running

Membership Levels

Individual Club Membership - No Shirt The membership includes 50% US Road Running races. This is an individual membership. Membership starts the day you sign up. It will end based on the total months you selected. from $16.99
3 Month Membership: $16.99
6 Month Membership: $33.98
Individual Club Membership - With Shirt The membership includes 50% US Road Running races and a US Road Running shirt. This is an individual membership. Membership starts the day you sign up. It will end based on the total months you selected. from $31.99
3 Month Membership: $31.99
6 Month Membership: $48.99
12 Month Membership: $82.99
Kids Club Membership - With Shirt This membership is for kids 15 and younger.  The membership includes 50% US Road Running races and a US Road Running shirt. This is an individual membership. Membership starts the day you sign up. It will end based on the total months you selected. from $19.99
6 Month Membership: $19.99
12 Month Membership: $24.99


US Road Running Race Club
Join us for one of our 1M, 5K, 10K, 15K, 13.1M, or 26.2 races. 
Family-Friendly Races - Small race that you can run with your family.
Themed Races - All of our races have a fun theme.
Series Awards - All runners will receive series points towards yearly age group series awards.
For Everyone - Runners and walkers are welcome.
Finisher Medal - All finishers will receive one of our fun-themed finisher medals.
Costume - Wearing a costume is not required, but it is encouraged.
Best Costume Award - We give out the best costume awards at every live race.
Small Race - Get to know other runners and walkers in your area.
Transfer - If you miss the race, you can transfer to another one of our races.
Monthly Races - Most races are held every month. 
Support - Meet new club members at the races.
900 Races - We have over 900 races a year. 
80 Locations - We have over 80 race locations across the US. 

Join the club!
US Road Running Race Club members will receive the following:
1. 50% off US Road Running approved races.

US Road Running Race Club's goal is to have family-friendly races across the USA.
All of our races include fun themes. 
They include Pie Gobbler, Haunted, Holiday, Pirate, Ninja, Viking, and Luau, to mention a few.

US Road Running

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.

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