The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch – Acts 11:26

The Riverchase Church of Christ is a Christ centered congregation of God’s people. Although we are located in the North Shelby County area, our membership also consists of families in Jefferson County and South Shelby County. This congregation began holding worship services in what is now our family center in 1979 and moved into the current auditorium in 1990.

We realize we are far from perfect in our attempt to follow Jesus, and we gratefully acknowledge that we are saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus. It is our faith in Christ that causes us to know that His word is truth and His way is right. We understand we can only be right as we submit in faithful obedience to the will of God as given through His Son, Jesus Christ. Our aim is to be guided by His will and to follow the perfect example He left for us.