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2020 Virtual Homer Spit Run

Complete your run anytime in the month of June. Homer, AK 99603 US


We would have loved to have this beautiful race as an actual event but due to the guidelines and recommendations announced in regards to COVID-19 in Alaska, we had to make the hard decision to change the 2020 Spit Run: Cosmic Hamlet Half Marathon & 10K to the Bay to Virtual Runs. We won't have t-shirts this year but we aren't skipping on the "swag"- all entrants will receive a Kachemak Bay Running Club buff, a pair of socks (for the first 120 participants) and a commemorative race bib.  This race is our biggest fundraiser for our youth running fund; with the inability of many youth running groups to fundraise, this race is very important to our community.

What is a Virtual Run?

A virtual race is one you complete anytime and anywhere (treadmill, track, trail) by running and /or walking at a time of your choosing. The Spit Run(s) will take place from June 1 to June 30, 2020-complete your run in this time period and then post your results on RunSignUp.  

The Homer Spit Run is an annual celebration of summer and the biggest fundraiser for the youth running fund in the community.  The youth running fund pays for travel, events, incentives and training for elementary, middle school and high school youth.  This fund has provided out of state training for high-school cross country and track runners, t-shirts for mile club participants in the elementary school and incentives and training for middle-school cross country and track participants. We have also provided donations for incentives and sponsorships for community running events.  Runners and walkers of all abilities, in all locations, are encouraged to participate.  This race is a great add-on for the Homer Steps Up initiative, also happening the month of June!

You will be able to complete your event anytime between June 1st - June 30th, 2020.  

If you are a Kachemak Bay Running Club Member you will receive a discount code via email for $5 off this race- enter that code while registering.  If you didn't receive your code please email  If you haven't signed up for membership yet you can do so here:

Once you have finished your event you will be able to submit your results online! You can do this throughout the month of June.

How do I post results?

- Navigate to the Results page here!
- Follow instructions for Results Submission from there. 

For those of you in the Homer area we will announce a pick-up of your swag bag towards the end of June (we are shooting for around June 27th). For our out of area participants we will mail (U.S. mailing addresses ONLY) your swag for an additional cost of $10. For those who will have their swag shipped to them, they will have to CONFIRM A SHIPPING ADDRESS (follow directions below). Swag will be mailed out the first week in July.

Confirm your address (Deadline, June 30th):

- Log into your RunSignup account.
- Profile > Upcoming Events > Manage Registration next to 2020 Spit Run
- Select "Shipping" in the Menu.

Virtual Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Virtual Race, click the button below.



Join this event and invite your friends on Facebook.

Virtual Race Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your virtual race experience.

Did you participate in the virtual race?
Would you recommend this virtual race to a friend?

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