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Autumn Gold

Sat October 2, 2021 Palmer, AK 99645 US Directions


Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


2955 N Mountain Trail Circle
Palmer, AK US 99645


Running through a crisp Alaskan autumn morning, golden leaves falling at your feet as you climb along the trail... what could be better?

Autumn Gold!  This is a 5 mile trail (and trail-ish) race that starts and ends at the Lazy Mountain trailhead.  Not a full on climb to any of the nearby peaks, but enough gain that you know you are on the side of a mountain!  While we enjoy fast times, we also want all participants to enjoy their race.  

Please see our website for all the race details.  Trust us, there's a LOT more there.  Way more than we want to recreate here so head over there to read all about it.  New for 2021: grab a friend or two for the relay option!

We have  included a link to our race company, Happy Malamute Running.  Updates on all our events can be found there.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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