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BTC Sizzling Summer 5k Challenge

Sat June 17 - Sat September 23 Birmingham, AL 35253 US


Do you need a little extra motivation to keep running during those hot summer months? Then join the Birmingham Track Club as we host the Sizzling Summer 5k Challenge. There's no motivation quite like signing up for races to keep those training plans active. We've made special arrangements with four, 5k races, one each in June, July, August, and September, to create this special Challenge. Discounted entry fees for participants in the Sizzling Summer 5k Challenge are available for these races. And if that's not motivation enough, sign up for the Challenge to receive a BTC race towel and to be eligible for awards. To participate, just sign up here for the Sizzling Summer 5k Challenge, then sign up for the four races listed below. To make participation even simpler, we'll track your race finishes from published race results so you don't even have to submit anything.

Sizzling Summer 5k Challenge Races

Here are the four races in the BTC Sizzling Summer 5k Challenge. Click on a race name to go to the web site for the respective race to get more detailed information and to register. Important: You must register for each race. Your registration for the Sizzling Summer 5k Challenge does not include registration for the individual races. Discount codes for selected races are included in your confirmation email when you sign up for the Challenge so be sure to sign up for the Challenge before signing up for the individual races.

Be sure to look for the BTC tent at the finish line of each race!

Discount Codes

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Awards (cash prizes!) are determined by a point system based on finishing position relative to other Challenge participants. Awards will be presented in 10-year age groups by gender as well as overall female and overall male. Age is as of the last day of the Challenge, September 23, 2017.

1st place - 4 points
2nd place - 3 points
3rd place - 2 points
4th place and lower - 1 point

Ties in points are broken first by number of races run, then by average time.


Birmingham Track Club
P.O. Box 530363
Birmingham, AL US 35253

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