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Strands Love in Motion

Sat November 2, 2019 Columbiana, AL 35051 US Directions
Families helping families


Strands Love in Motion

10:00AM CDT - 12:00PM CDT


201 Washington Street
Columbiana, AL US 35051


Please join us as Strands is hosting Love in Motion, a charity walk. This is a chance to let your whole family be involved in helping other families in your communities that are going through financial hardship due to having a child with a medical illness, disease or tragedy. The walk is $10 per person and $15 day of registration, but we do encourage you to gather sponsorships to help Strands.  Every person that raises $100 or more is entered into an entertainment prize basket drawing! Those who raise $200 or more will be entered for a kid’s bike drawing!  Please bring checks the day of the event. There will be a family fun zone available and snacks for sell during the event. 

  • Love in Motion shirts are available for purchase. 
  • Please make checks payable to Strands. 
  • Children 2 and younger are free


Race Contact Info

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About Strands

Strands is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit organization that shows God's love in tangible ways to families going through financial hardship due to having a child with a medical illness, disease or tragedy. Families that are selected to be highlight families have a child 18 years or younger that live in the state of Alabama and have a current diagnosis that calls for continuous treatments. The families selected by Strands also have not received more that $10,000 of crowd funding or financial assistance in that past 12 months. We love to come alongside families that need to see some love and support that they may not have know is there. Strands goes beyond giving financially, we truly seek to know the family and bring you their story so you can join in praying and supporting a real and local family. We believe that we are stronger together. Ecclesiastes 4:12.



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