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Rocket Kids Grand Prix

Sun May 3 - Sat August 15 Huntsville, AL 35805 US


2213 Drake Ave SW
Huntsville, AL US 35805


The 2020 Rocket Kids Grand Prix has been CANCELED.

Register for (and participate in) three out of four of the local Kids Multisport events, AND volunteer for one of the races (can be one of the three participating in), and earn an awesome Rocket Kids Grand Prix HOODIE!

Races in the series: 

  • Omni Kids Splash n' Dash (Sunday, May 3rd 2pm)
  • TRIblossomwood (Saturday, June 6th, 8am)
  • Pesky Piranha (a Team Rocket Tri Club race) (Saturday, June 20th 8am)
  • Kids Fly Tri (Saturday, August 15th, 8am)

Fine print:

  • Yes, you do have pay for the series, but you will get a $5 discount for each of the races in the series 
  • You can register for Pesky (using the code: ) here: 
  • Your child MUST complete three out of four races, AND volunteer for one race, in order to earn the hoodie
  • Hoodies will be ordered after Pesky Piranha and will be available after the Fly Tri at a Grand Prix Finisher's Party for pick up. If you need it to be mailed, shipping charges will be added.
  • This is NOT a separate race. This is registration for the SERIES.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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